Again, 3 minutes before. It's weird. The heat was already beginning,
though and I'm not fan <3rd pun in 2 days!!>. I was reading when I
saw a high school friend comment about the Malaysian government's
censorship on another friend's post, who'd written "Well, that's good news."
And after a smidgeon of Nancy Drewing, I saw it: The United States Supreme
Court had decided on a 5:4 vote for equality in marriage. YES!!!! What a
historic day in our nation! I am
thrilled for the many people who have
fought discrimination and hatred. Anyone who thinks someone would willingly
choose a life filled with these and many other negative behaviors should have their head examined.
I have two shirts which are pro-equality: one is too currently too small, and the other is a light hoodie. Hundred degree heat? Hoodie it is.
My client arrived on time and our sessions was lovely. In following through with suggestions, it was becoming apparent that tiny-but-true successes were taking place and I sat with quiet tears of joy hiding

in my eyes. The Magic was in the room and what an incredible session, indeed. Next was an eye appointment to make sure I wasn't going blind. I was very aware of all the people over 65 in the room with eyes looking at the "Yay Gay" shirt. Now they don't know if I'm gay or not, but I can tell you one thing - I sure as hell can't imagine being that individual, be it gay, black, a native or
whatever and have to face a
population of people
against you. Long ago, around '98/'99 in La Verne, CA, there was a proposition for same-sex marriage - and I posted posters outside my house that I had created (which is not necessarily a smart thing to do
- show the crazy people where you live) in favor of the proposition. I had a nasty, hate filled letter left at my house one morning which made me quite nervous for some time. To have to
face that kind of craziness everyday?? Hats off, SCOTUS. I realize it wasn't a unanimous decision and there are many more battles, but Love
did win.

On my list of TTD (things to do) was bank, nails, 2nd dr. appointment, and something else which I forget. I managed to do the bank and was then captured by a Wells Fargo-ian about a new this-or-that, I went to get pedicure (my annual pedicure, mind you), and there was a wait. So I headed back UP the to get a book on tape for my upcoming unexpected road trip and saw they really
were books on tape (I was hoping they were CDs). So back DOWN the hill, got the pedicure, then UP the hill to head to the doctor. I noticed I had a minute, so I went by to deliver my letter of resignation at the school. I am officially out unemployed (except for all the free work I do). Off to the appointment, only to discover I was at the wrong office. It is times like these when having marked the appointment down for 15 minutes earlier tahnj teh actual appointment, then showing up 15 minutes earlier than
that is terrific.
Finally (I think), I was able to come home in the super hot heat. It was 108 in my car at one point. Across from EDUHSD (my former place of employment), a sign read 109. Even the air was sad from the heat as I detected a heaviness (depression). Headed home 6 there was to be a call. Now -

I'm not going to go into too much detail because this involves other people and I do not like talking for others, but it boils down to the kids, The Boy in particular, presented attitudes which were not cared for by other adults and apparently it got to a point (unbeknownst to me) of Pure Hell. I understand this as I have been to this Hell many times with this same Boy. However, I think there were other expectations which the Boy and the Girl, too, did not meet. I can see both sides: They should behave better, but then - they're teens and are NOTORIOUS for such behavior. THAT'S THE WHOLE ISSUE WITH TEENS - their shitty attitudes. I listened quietly - hearing these same arguments frequently during sessions. I get it it, I do. Yet I also understand there should be clearer communication is such issues arise. So...while I thought about getting rid of the Grateful Dead ticket - this
IS the last (and first) Grateful Dead show I can
ever attend, so I decided I would just go, leave early and head to Dana point (where L and I got married) to pick up the kids on Sunday.
A bigger-ish issue (gold-plated troubles) is the dogs and the trips. I specifically made the trip the length I did because I thought there be a dogwatcherfeeder in the house. I must comment, however on the NUMBER of friends who chimed in immediately to see if and how they could help with the dogs. I was wow-ed, indeed. The HSMF trip is cared for, only CR remains...but excellent suggestions on a dog kennel have been mentioned and I'll call tomorrow. I looked into a shuttle to SFO from here, so maybe just a ride to Sacramento. Still, it will be accomplished. Tomorrow morning I shall write a letter of understanding and empathy. I do not want to relationship to be severed - they are kids - doing what kids do. My mom is already MIA as a grandmother, so...<and on that, I'll let it go>.
Pictures: YAY GAY!! Thrilled for marriage equality; A beautiful creeper on my walk these evening; Three little birds (really - the third one was just off camera and was tiny); A brilliant sunset to a brilliant day.