I was in haven last night – sitting in bed on a Saturday night
and singing along at the top of my lungs to 80s hairbands before going to bed.It really doesn’t get much finer than that…I
looked for material for one of the kids I work with and spent time putting
together some work sheets.I made a
really big, big mistake this morning.My
total-whole-super-healthy-sprout bread was no longer good, so I…had a helping
or 5 of the cranberry crunch.I am so
ashamed of myself.The month of January
is gone – I have 4 months pre-Hipnic. I
think I should just buy bigger clothes – food is my lovah.
The boy was home around 10:30 and I spun some records as I
did some minor cleaning.We did laundry –
important stuff that needs to be done.This home is not going to be as spotless as I thought.To be honest – size doesn’t make a bit of difference;
it just takes longer to get from point A to point B.I saw a video recently about things people
regret most in life.NOWHERE did it say
having a cleaner house.Things such as “
spending time with loved ones”, however, was frequent.It’s too important to me to have adventures
with me kids. I 'm certainly ok by CPS standards, but Good Housekeeping may frown. That's fine by me...
Maggie had asked if she could stay at her friends until 4 –
Me: one-ish.Mags: Two? 1:36.Mags 1:46?Me: Now?:Mags: 1:36! And…I was there
a minute early. Then we
hit the grocery store and headed home.The sky was such a beautiful dark color, I was anxious to go hiking, but by the time we got home and had a few
things accomplished it was almost 4 – far too late and on a school night, as my
kids told me.
Ethan and I took the dogs to get their nails filed (throw the
ball on asphalt).The sky grew more stunning –
such a bright, cold blue on one side and an angry navy blue on the other.We headed home and got some wood stacked by the
front door.I had some beef chili beef soup
ready and we ate as we watched “Drumline”.Maggie wasn’t anxious to see the movie I described as a "comprehensive history
of drums as humanity’s first musical instrument, then traced through the centuries
as a tool of communication as well as being used for spiritual means, ending up with a focus
on music as we know it today, highlighting Neal Peart and John Bonham."That was funny.
I heard from a boy form long ago.I always love hearing from them as they have
a special place in my heart.This one
was dreamy guy – late 80s style long hair and oh, so fine. He wrote on my car windows with shoe polish and
I remember never wanting to wash my car.I think we ended well. I remember
having to go to summer school and seeing him there – he had his new girlfriend
who would eventually become his wife.I
even went to the celebration of their one year anniversary in a bar in
Midland.They are still married, which
is such a nice thing to see!They didn’t give up one each other like so
many of us, self included, do.We spoke
of liking each other back then – but of insecurities and uncertainties and. how that was a factor in many ways. This was in a time withno Instagram or Facebook -where kids are
inundated with so many subtle “you’ll never good enoughs.” Oh, those high school
Pictures and videos: The Boy and I with the dogs - no that's not a leash, it's Annie's tail. My beautifully Wicked Tree; Golden Tea with fresh turmeric and ginger; Lightening clouds; The Mother Hips, "Wicked Tree" after "Singing Seems to Ease Me", April 27, 2007 at Liquid Joe's in SLC, UT
I’d forgotten all plugs and chargers for phone/computer and the
alarm clock in the room was set an hour ahead of time, plus I remember my last
Diamond stay and the alarm going off in the middle of the night, so I left it
alone and set my phone for 8:30…
…and woke up at 8:00 (of course).I was in a rush to get going until I saw the coffee machine and then I
slowed down enough to enjoy a delicious cup.This is one thing I enjoy about the Diamond Hotel – delicious coffees,
great Aveda hair products and it’s in the middle of downtown Chico. I enjoyed a
lovely breakfast, overheard a lady ordering her breakfast “No this, she doesn’t
do this, do they have this, exchange this for that” – it was funny as she was
fake hair color, fake nails, fake tan.After
breakfast I headed to Melody Records and bought two Traffic albums, American
Beauty by the Dead and Mother Hips, Pacific Dust. Then off to the beautiful
Chico farmer’s market where I hung out with Kristi at her booth for a while.Life is a Bitch sometimes, unfair - then it
spits all over you, repeatedly.
I needed to head home and get the puppies picked up by 2. During
the drive home I noticed some really
interesting cloud formations, which makes me realize that I have an “issue” at this
point in my life.I hope it passes
fairly quickly.I thought a nice hike would do me some good,
even though I did plenty of mis-directed hiking last night in Chico.I really like that town and have considered moving
there a few times.I think the sense of
community would suit me well.On the
hike, I pondered, as I was looking for “a” song which has had a tremendous impact
on my life.This is a tough thing for me
as I have so many genres I enjoy, but I finally found my Soul Song – “Burn Slow”
by CRB.During much of my life, I keep
using music to try to find the answers, but I wonder if I am even asking the
right question.
Home with the dogs.I
was turn between 3 things- the Ian Moore show, buying some records, or going to
visit a psychic.I’ve never seen psychic
before – today on the phone my mom told me she visited a psychic because of her
dog.Now my mom is an avowed realist,
and such news almost caused me to fall out of my chair, but I am open to much
and do believe some people are in
touch with their psychic abilities. Other people haven’t even made it far
enough to pull their head out of their ass, but I’m posting videos instead of
making political commentary, so I’ll let that one go.I have many questions about Europe, about me,
about a Him…but instead, I showered and went to grab some sushi.
A fire in the wood burning stove, my Mother Hips record and
then some tv.My weekend is rolling to
an end.I can’t wait to get into my
Pictures: Chico view from my room, 408; My bill, Clouds in various states of arousal, Cronan Ranch, Heading home from Chico.
I was leaving half an hour early for work, so naturally my
body woke up at 4:50. It’s great having a conscious and considerate body.
Work was amazing, as always.I’ll miss working at juvenile hall when my time here is over.I was finished at 1:30 and drove home in the rain
see me, even happier when I loaded them up in the car to head to a kennel.I wonder if they really enjoy it there –
Headed towards Chico when my ex-husband called.Our son had told him this morning that someone whom he considered to be
his best friend hadn’t invited him to his birthday party this weekend.Last weekend, as we were hiking, he had told
me how of the three friends he considers to be his closest friends, he could
see the other two drifting away, but not this one.Makes me sad….
My ex, not knowing much (if anything) about the Mother Hips,
heard I was going to a house party and told me to be careful and stay on alert
and on guard.That made me giggle. Yes, there would be kegs here, but not exactly in the way I'm sure he was imagining. GPS naturally took me on another scenic
route, but of course, I was still the first one there.This made me grateful to have been
semi-misguided, because heaven forbid I was there 15 minutes earlier...It was also here, atthis gorgeous
home overlooking Chico, filled with many people I do not know, that I
remembered (once again, too late) that I get social anxiety when I am at such an
event.My bouncy, exuberant self goes
into hiding.
The handful of people I knew soon showed up and I met a few
others.The show was stunning – with only
acoustic guitars, Tim and Greg’s voices were highlighted unlike at Hips shows.After it was over, I thanked the hosts and
left, heading to my hotel in Chico.It
was so early (just after 9) and I felt guilty for leaving so early, but an
adventure downtown would solve that.
I checked into my hotel and then walked Chico streets.I intended to get something from a nearby
Mexican place, yet consistently kept walking in the opposite direction.So many kids at frat parties and bars… it
makes me wonder if I want to send my kids to college, after all.
Pictures: Directions to the party; my form B from school; Tim and Greg at work; on the way...
Up at 4:00 –back to sleep, Up at 5:10, grudgingly got
candles/incense burning and did my yoga.My legs feels so weak andI don’t
feel very yoga-ish.
It was a great morning of Yngwie.I rocked left and right.Ethan was my guitar for a bit as I wailed on
his ribs…Maggie stared at me in sarcastic disbelief as I lip-synced words from
an album I idolized far too long ago – and did a damn fine job of doing so.Dropped them off at their work (school) with
fond words.They’ll be back in a matter of
hours as dad has plans this weekend.
Off to juvenile hall where I planned to spend the whole day
so I can cut short an hour and a half tomorrow to head to Chico.I have been invited to participate in the Valentine’s
Day treat exchange on the 12th.Very cool.I enjoy working there –
a place with different planes, to be sure.I am there as a therapist – trying to help on one level; guards, POs are
there on a different level.All of us
wanting to help these kids, but often from different angels. Interesting, to be
sure….I got a call from my
neighbor.The one day I leave my dogs outside (because I wouldn’t be home until
past 7) and of course…I’m sure they’re barking.Yet her firm (but cheery!) voice let me know AT&T needed to get into
the back yard where a pole was – and no the dogs were fine (yay!)
On my way to the clinic, I stopped at the store and found frozen cranberries.I have to make CC for tomorrow night’s event.I also bought Perrier.Stay classy, Chico.Had a double appointment scheduled at 5:15
and managed to get lots filed before then.I realized I forgot to buy a Snickers Bar for a kid who has a birthday
at the hall, so I bought one as I headed home on a dark, rainy (perfect) night.
Left over burrito from last night was the perfect dinner and
then I made two CC for tomorrow night (with a little mini CC for me).The boy is going to a friend’s house tomorrow
night and Mags texted that she’d be at a friend’s until Sunday, so I may check
to see if I can drop the dogs off and then I’ll stay in Chico overnight.Tomorrow I’ll head to juvie and half hour
early so I can head out in time to be at the home by 5. "It's gonna be great..."
5:13 alarm – problem is, I didn’t wake up until 6:14.It’s best to turn up the volume on your smart
I received an email from one of the Swiss schools – yes they
would enjoy a Skype interview and were interested in times/days which would be most
convenient for me.One foot in front of the
other, girlie.
Wednesdays are my get-to-it days.Drop kids off and zoom to work for an early
client, then learning more about the computerized file-program we have (which
means using the computer for all
documents). Group supervision, which I wish would last for 5 hours instead of
2, then juvenile hall meeting, client, back to work to file reports with CPS
and, and, and.This is such a perfect
day for me – a little bit of everything.
I headed to the store to go buy a can of sweetened condensed
milk – I am making a last cranberry crunch (even though Ethan loves them now, but I have no more
cranberries) for the Ball-Point Birds House Party Friday night.At the store, I saw Rachel, who is quite
special to me.It was such a joy living
next to her daughter, Amber, who passed away from a very aggressive uterine
cancer on August 8, 2014.Rachel is a
gentle example of what humanity is like, despite great sorrow. She shows
compassion to everyone and leads by example.I hope to be like her when I grow up.
Home to my tribe.Ethan had put chicken on the grill and we prepared a simple dinner together.I received (what is to him) one of the highest
compliments – it was delicious and tasted like KFC except it was healthy.Yes, well…that is rather subjective, I
suppose.Mags told me about her day
interning at The Body Shop in Placerville.She was able to work the cash register, give people change back, & price
items.She loved the independence of
meeting friends on Main Street and going to eat at a restaurant together.Welcome to what life is like in Switzerland,
my dear.We watched some shows together
as Mabi barked at a horsefly on the ceiling while Annie barked at a dog barking
on the tv show.It gets a little crazy
here, sometimes.
Pictures: Back to the basics - PB&J with pineapple marmalade from Costa Rica; Oh, DSM-IV TR, we meet again; I was told by my supervisor that I have mastered Rogerian Therapy - so I got a sticker; a card my dad sent to my son for his birthday long ago. I miss that man so much. He used to be called something else, but when Ethan was about , he said, "His name should be 'Pops'" and it has been that ever since.