My last dream of the morning involved a beautiful woman I
had worked with in Montessori: I was in
her math class and she was teaching us math
(FOIL). I had issues: my pencil’s lead wasn’t sharp and the pencil
sharpener wasn’t working, so for the entire demonstration I was trying to
sharpen my pencil. Throw in something
about me leaving on a trip to Mexico, but it not working and I had no tickets
as proof, nor any pictures, and so she made me take a math exam instead of
getting to watch a movie. She was not
very happy with me. When I finally did
wake up in escape of this mathematical hell, I noticed it was quite a bit
warmer in the rest of the house, then noticed to my dismay the burner under the
tea pot had been on all night (I had intended to boil water so the next batch
of kefir water could be started this morning).
This is the second time this has happened, making me quite nervous about
life in my “golden years”, unless these
are my golden years, in which case I need to start looking for help in my platinum
I made it home and decided to clean up some of the grass clods
strewn over my driveway, as the large garden receptacle had been filled to the brim. I filled it about halfway and watered the flowers.
My landlord was very impressed with the work, thanked me and even drove
up to see it. I let him know about my
future plans of lattices and grapes in front of the house. Anything I do like this is taken off the rent…no
worries. :) Once inside,
I had a FANTASTIC conversation with Wonderful Tim Walker…the boy who sat behind
me in AP English, if memory serves me correctly (which it often does not). We had a heart to heart about my dormant love
life and Tim, whom I have baptized with the
name of Yaetzel,is now my Jewish matchmaker and has agreed to help me
find my true love. Many who know me
think this person lives in Texas. <hint - this is where you remember that I asked you to take note> He asked if I would relocate to Texas, should he find This Man. And yet...I remembered the beauty I saw today and AS MUCH as I am wanting to get out of El Dorado sure is beautiful and I love the adventures. Tim was
quite professional..asking about height, weight, profession, health, facial
hair (which, of course, I turned into 70s porn-star references which then
morphed into music. It was a terrific
conversation. I miss my high school
friends. A lot of people despise FB, and
while it also drives me nuts at times, the one thing it did was reacquaint me
with people who had a very large impact on my life during a very difficult
period. Thanks, Guy Who Founded FB (affectionate shoulder punch, and YES, I forgot
his name). **Around 1 in the morning the name Mark Zuckerberg came to me. I almost posted just that, but was too close to sleep.
It was time to purchase produce so I could
make the Second Best Salad Ever (after yesterday’s delights). Per Tim’s suggestion,
I cruised to the grocery store listening to Stephen Stills (NOT Seales) “Manassas”. Good stuff.
It reminds me of a time of purity in the 70s…well, purity in my
life. A good reason could be that it was
released then…. The timing, btw, has no bearing on earlier 70s pornstar facial
hair. Can’t we all just go back to the
70s? I came home, successfully MADE a
delicious salad meal (toasted croutons, made some real Italian dressing (and
shockingly, I did so without including cornsyrup). I ate two bowls of salad and holy shit, that stuff
was good!!!!! Tried watching some Netflix. One was a TED on why you’ll never have the greatest
job, the second was a documentary about a man with a small penis called “Unhung
Hero”. That was just depressing bc I
personally have experienced such a man and it really doesn't matter because this cat knew how to work his machinery and it made a
difference. I decided to finish Whore’s
Glory, which is quite eye-opening about how women are treated. So to loop back to TED talk…he said to find your
passion. My passion is talking about
sexuality and trying to bridge the gap between men and women, parents and children. We’ll see where I belong.
Pictures: walking with my Mabi..holding Mabi <btw, my boobs really aren't that big - I was wearing a bikini top and the backpack smushed everything together>