No yoga this
morning. I slept another 30
At school, the "individual" of smart phone fame (who was exceptional yesterday) was doing well today, but, alas, it was too difficult. 20 minutes before class ended she had that bad boy out and was once again scouring it for whatever it is she scours for (??? Is this even a word?).
<apparently it is, but it is NOT the root word if scouring, rather, it means "diarrhea in livestock". Who knew?!> Group went well: focus was mindfulness, which is always something I can incorporate. Later, I worked with a student, establishing a relationship with him and supporting him. I understand the teacher wants this and this and this, but unless this kid feels safe, nothing will happen..he’ll shut down and sit, which is his defense mechanism, thus I feel I have to work with…smile, look him in the eyes, help him find confidence, build upon his strengths. Another kid is on the opposite spectrum of this and if he were an animal, he’d be a peacock. This kid struts and is BRIMMING with self-confidence. He’s a trip…we already have our special handshake. <smile> We have a great group of kids this year. It’s almost Breakfast Club-ish, minus (sadly) Judd Nelson.
As I arrived home, I saw my kefir grains had arrived (not grains at all, rather a combo of yeasts and bacteria much like kombucha), so I cleaned out my glass jar to start in kefir water. I needed organic sugar, though, so I headed to the co-op (holy shit, that's expensive!!) to pay a huge amount for an itty-bitty bag of sugar & a sprout of mint. I was then mysteriously drawn to the new Mexican Restuarant I'd notice on my way home (I feel compelled to support small businesses especially if melted cheese and jalapeños are involved). The RAD thing is I learned more Spanish. The unrad thing is there wasn't enough melted cheese, but I ate it anyway. Cool dude there was singing and offered me Spanish 101. ¡Si!
At home I had boiled water, so now I added sugar and waited for it to cool. For some reason beyond my control, I started a mobile with sticks, shells and starfish to hang out in the xeriscaped front yard. Unfortunately, I broke the drill bit drilling a hole in a shell, so I’ll have to get another before I can finish it. I look at myself and I can understand why people call he a hippie, but i'm really not. I making things sometimes…like yogurt, kefir water, homemade granola. Now as soon as I start to macramé, THEN you guys can call me a hippie, but until then, I’m someone who would rather not spend a ton of money on poorly made stuff or food that contains who knows what(unless it’s Mexican food…then who gives a fuck). I wonder what I would be like if I had been born in one place and had developed root there, rather than back and forth between cultures and countries. I feel split into many pieces with a constant “grass is greener” attitude which I’m aware of. Would I still be this smorgasbord of metal/country/classical/hippieness?
I took a quiz today.
Apparently my vermillion and 19% of women have breasts like I do: “particularly rounded at the base and
gorgeously full” Ok, I call that sagging
with a little too many sweets which has added some substance resulting in
muffin-top, but hey, whatever….. This quiz
is supposed to help me get The perfect bra online….Are you kidding me? I have enough difficulty getting them to fit
when I physically try them on – how in HELL is asking a few question about the
bra strap or the cups going to get me the perfect bra? Seriously…this world is beginning to freak me
the fuck out.
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