Wednesday, August 27, 2014

August 27, 2014

Day 3 of extreme stiffness (am I being immature if I admit I want to giggle when writing that?), so in the midst of the sun salutations, which more closely remembered a brief wave, I got out my foam roller to roll out the lactic acid which has taken up residence in my quadriceps.  Shiva did her thing, I rolled on the roller like a graceful elephant seal and did my thing, but my legs felt better.  We’ll see if I’m not back to rubber-band flexibility tomorrow.

After looking through materials at home, talking to Libby about interjecting Montessori lessons , and somewhat beginning to plan lessons & activities,I am being relocated  once again, so it won’t happen.  I don’t know of bigger DO NOT PASS GO, DO NOT COLLECT $200 than the messages I get about teaching.  Really, I need to find a job where I can still support myself but work practicum hours or I’ll never finish this degree.

Despite having promised I’d make Ethan’s lunch for his immersion trip, I needed to get YET ANOTHER CHECK to CMP.  (Did I mention most expensive “free” school I’ve ever come across?  Larry and I have shelled out over $650 in the last 3 weeks) As I was leaving campus, I passed by the volleyballers (I like calling them that), so I rolled down my window, yelled, “Maggie!!” and threw her knee pads to her from the moving car, Dukes of Hazard style.  I heard her yell “Thank you!!” and she told me later many of the girls commented, “Wow!  Coolest mom, ever!!”  I will remind her of this every time she is angry with me and may even get a T-shirt made with the acronym, “CME!”  I know I will be signing my name like this from now on, too.  Eventually, I’ll be the fricking alphabet:   Ilona Munzer, M.A., L.P.P.C., L.M.F.T., C.M.E.  Don ‘t laugh when you see that on my cards.  As a proud beaming mama moment, she choose #54  for her volleyball number – Maggie Sergio Romo Logue.  Love it.

Ethan had finished up the Doctor Who episodes and  when L came by with the kids, Maggie watched more, too.  So, after they left, I decided to finish up the 2 I hadn’t seen.  I had made hot sauce before, so I had some for dinner with some eggs I’d cooked for Ethan’s burrito lunches.   I was too lazy to look for my PJs (which aren’t PJs at all, but who cares), so I watched Doctor Who naked.  I’m a little concerned because I’m already at the “screw it” stage.  This living alone is creating some lazy habits.  On the bright side, I save water by being naked more (less laundry..helping the drought…what can I say?)

Was sad to hear of Neil Young’s divorce.  I’ve had “Unknown Legend” as an earworm for days now (he wrote that song based on meeting his wife of 36 years).  Not to quote a song, but doesn’t anybody stay together anymore?  My parents split after 39 years….  I wonder if I have it in me to ever try again, to LET myself try again.  I have such a fear of something new unless it’s the current crush (which never happens, anyway, as I always pick unavailable guys to have a crush on).  See, by having a crush on someone protects me, because I can’t  try with someone else…I have a crush on this guy!!!  I’m very  tricky that way.  Pure brilliance – right here <points at self>  

Pictures:  A candid posed shot of Maggie wearing Romo volleyball outfit by the Giants flag & that damned delicious hot sauce from La Bodega. What I wouldn't do for some L.B. nachos ....

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