Still can’t bend like usual…
I’m a little shamed, as I’m generally quite bendy and am not accustomed
to this. Headed to school listening to
the Spotify “Heavy Metal” channel and was treated to some Iron Maiden and
old(er) Metallica. Goodness,
goodness. What great memories:
Switzerland (And wonderful Patti H) and West Texas, in that order. Great ta hear ya again, Bruce (Dickinson, not Springsteen or Hornsby)! <grin>
Once at school, it wasn’t difficult to determine that the frequent and oft-muttered “help all students” message had still not been understood, so I visited the APs office to file a complaint. I’m not (usually) a tattle-tale, but (and get ready for some very STRONG language), if you are PAID to assist SPECIAL NEEDS children,. you need to get off your fucking smart phone and assist them.
After school, I needed to pick up a few things before
heading to another parent night at the kid’s school about technology. I was
selecting an item when I heard “Ali!” I stood up and immediately smiled, beginning
a conversation with “HI!!!! How are you
doing?!? It’s so terrific to see you! How have you been? ya-da, ya-da.” The face looked familiar, the name not as
much, but after a lifetime of head-injury memory, I am well-versed in faking it
‘til the name comes to me. We
talked..she is doing much better, life is improving and she even has a man in
her life. After telling her that sex (I
felt her stiffen up, as my arm was around this long-lost friend) isn’t even a goal anymore, that I’m preparing
for the kids to one day be out and then I’d collect cats (and I’m not even a
cat person), we moved on to discussing dogs, and I talked about having the two that
driving me nuts…(we had been joined by her co-worker at this point) and we were
all discussing how I needed a ranch for the dogs- with goats! My friend said goats worked great! “Just ask Ali”… and pointed to her co-worker. Ohhhhhh, hellll nooooo. I’d just spent the last 10 minutes talking
with a random stranger. <smashing
face against rock> I'd love to hear their convo once I'd left.
I headed home…still in shock that I now frequent local
stores and engage in long, intimate conversations about my sex life and dogs
(not related, btw) to random strangers.
I was (still) listening to that glorious “heavy metal” station (Rush was
playing) when I looked down and noticed my leg (I cross my left leg onto my lap
when I drive) and noticed an entire STRIP of longish, “darker” hair on a spot I’d
apparently completely missed when I was shaving… the last 4 times, it looked
like. Dammit. Might as well complete the circle and stop
shaving the pits, too…make the hippie picture “complete”... <eye roll>
Wanted to get to tech night early, because I knew
I’d see my mentor there and wanted some tips for incorporating Montessori into the
classes I’m in. It is so good to see
this woman. She knows . Many on-the- spot
suggestions and a promise to meet this weekend.
Wow…. Off to tech night, where I
had the pleasure of sitting next to my accent-alter-ego, Mr. Sean Connery/Christopher
Walken. I’m amazed and horrified at the technology. I get it, it is a terrific resource for so
many kids…but (and this is my bias), I think for kids like my son, the lesson
is partially lost because he needs more of a sensorial connection to make a connection with the temporal lobe: hand-writing out the words, holding
the book, looking through the pages. This
may be a daft belief, but I think part of his learning would be solidified if he
had to “dig in the dirt” to get to it. I
know this is the future..I get that and don’t want to keep him in the 1970s (although
“Charlie’s Angels” was rad), but…. <sigh>
I miss the 1970s. The lunchboxes,
the Trapper Keepers. Now? We get shorts so short the fringe is getting
tied up in the Fallopian tubes.
Picture: My pink Chucks at the grocery store - the place where I find all my best friends.
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