Tuesday, October 28, 2014

October 28, 2014

A beautiful morning, an early morning.  A Grateful Dead morning.  It was a light, kinda mood.  Got all geared up in Giants clothing, as is only proper for Game 6 day.  My Mophie was ready to charge my phone tonight should it be low on juice.  

The school day was interesting.  Lots of work for Steph and I as the sub sat around and checked out her iPhone.  Interesting.  Maybe I should quit and become a substitute teacher, since it’s such an easy gig…but then reality sets in.  I can’t do that! I’ve taught for most of my years in education and I couldn’t live with myself if I did that.   Was given two lovely roses in Giants colors from my Kindred Spirit – it’s nice to be appreciated.  I also had the opportunity of getting the flu shot which I missed a few weeks ago.  Last year I felt quit ill after receiving it, but this year, in looking back on the day, I have so much adrenaline rushing through my body for various reasons, that despite initial fever-flush feelings and congestion-likeness, I think I’ll be ok.

Picked up the kids to head home…where the landlord was (new security door was being installed).  Ergggh.  I didn’t want to see him because I knew I couldn’t ignore how I felt about his claims.  Sure enough, my big mouth opened as I wanted to defend myself and we talked.   He talked about caring for the outside of the house and I mentioned redoing the front yard, the back yard and the bathroom (which is inside, true).  He spoke of being able to rent a uhaul trailer for $19 a day and hauling the stuff away. I mentioned his duct tape job on the window.  He mentioned the broken (old) blinds due to my using a fan. He mentioned he could charge a lot more for this house.  I agreed (sometimes humility is best)   Essentially, we came an agreement and shook hands.  I got my kids set and organized, spoke with Ethan regarding required homework and headed off to class.

The game started on the way to class.  It was a sad day to be going to class (I initially believed).  In class, I continued listening for a bit until class began.  Our professor is quite a learned man – in fact, he specialized in traumatic brain injuries (!) in his long path in psychology.  The class was a small gift, for I sat and watched as we (the Giants) took a long plunge into the depths of ultimate loss.  10-0.  Oh wow.  Kim is going to let me have it tomorrow (she is a Dodger fan and we enjoy teasing one another).  Still, my head nearly exploded as terms I had not heard since 1999 (undergrad) in stats class at University of La Verne.  

I headed home.  The long drive in which I listened for some explanation – any explanation as to why the loss was so severe.  Mags said to let them know when I was turning onto our street and when I got home, both kids were at the door.  Ethan took my bags and keys, Maggie asked me to remove my shoes and put on the slippers she had set up , then they led me into the dimly-lit kitchen, where Maggie turned on the Mac to my iTunes and played Sinatra as I looked and saw a piece of cranberry crunch that Maggie had made for me and tall cup of hot Chai.  I squeaked, jumping up and down over their awesome-radness.  What a blessed woman am I to have such glorious children.  After the crunch, Ethan and I did a little more of the homework and then they went to bed.  My heart is still beaming.

Pictures: My flu-shot arm; Notes from a mind-numbing class; What I came home to (my glorious children). <3

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