Wednesday, December 3, 2014

December 1, 2014

A new month!!!  A new (and exciting) healthy lifestyle!  Therefore,  my alarm was set for 5:21 a.m. (5:13 a.m. is sooo "last healthy lifestyle" routine) and I got up with a little bit of gusto and attitude (no need to go overboard on Day One) to do yoga.  In order to do yoga, one must dress accordingly.  I put on a one-size fits all top (the one in my yoga-in-the-park-pose in which Scott D pointed out a part of my breast was showing.  Sigh...I can't keep track of ALL body parts while meditating.  Besides, ya seen one boob...<insert the rest>).  Anyway - back to the story - MY BOOBS ARE JUST ABOUT TOO BIG!  What.The.Hell?!?!  This is a red flag for "Quick!  Get them girls shrunk!"  No more CBC for me....   <sad face>

  I was using Maggie's yoga mat since I had disposed of mine (due to age and broken-ness) and didn't care for it at all.  It was too squitchy (new word!)  and I didn't bond with its Chi.  Still, I was up.  I wasn't as graceful as a few months ago, but I did notice that my thighs also don't touch (like those fancy model ladies)...when I position them correctly.  <eye roll>

Frustrating day at work with a student.  WHY do WE try harder than this one?!

Headed home to get homework started ...was JUST ABOUT STARTED...when the electricity went out.  Dammit.  I need internet - so I went to bed early: 7:45.  That's why this is only a Four-Today.  

Picture:  The booob picture, which really annoys me because I thought it was a great picture until THAT was pointed out <#ThanksScott>; The beginnings of a winter storm heading our way, which arrives tomorrow SO.DAMN.EXCITED.  <happy birthday to me>

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