Showering and self-care.
One would think that it is a fairly and simple thing to do, right? That lathering hair and knowing how to rinse
it all out is self-explanatory. Sadly,
that is not the case and unless one has had modeling and parents or guardians who
have modeled the process, it is foreign. Today I had the opportunity to teach a 16 year
old student how to wash hair, lather included.
I demonstrated on a chunk of my hair and showed what is required to
create the bubbles. There were still
difficulties, despite that, and I almost wish there was a video which showed
how to effectively bathe oneself. Not all
of us have been given such tools.
After work I grabbed the kids and then headed off to my practicum
site for a little work. I was given an id badge and a parking pass. The
latter is proof that it is actually happening:
shit ain’t real unless you’re given a parking pass.
Decided to celebrate a couple of things, mostly the parking
pass, but also the fact that my kids hadn’t gotten the dishes done/dishwasher
cleared and really…who wants to come home to that? So off we headed to Bene Pizza. It was here where I taught my children a
vital Life lesson- I call it the Basil Situation, but it can be changed to parsley,
kale, salad, etc. It goes like this: “So,
Ethan/Maggie <insert name of participant here>, how’s the Basil
Situation?” Then I quickly and surreptitiously
flash my teeth so they can see if I have basil stuck in those damn receding gum
lines and tell me before I make an ass of myself <akin to walking around
with a huge hole in the back of your
Home to…math <sad face>. I am not a math person, but I damn sure
tried. I think <and I shared this
with Ethan after sitting with him for over an hour> that what frustrates
people (it gets me, that’s for sure) is that he sits – he doesn’t ask, doesn’t
share, doesn’t say, “What I don’t understand…” or “How do you…” or even, “Why
do you…”. He just sits. He “figures it out in his head." Bull capital SHIT. You CAN’T figure that stuff out in your head,
Ethan, you don’t understand the concept.
It is OK to fail, Ethan, you HAVE to fail to LEARN this! You CANNOT get it all right and sitting there
like that doesn’t help you at all, sweetie.
You have to tell me WHAT you don’t understand or WHY you are having difficulty. You CANNOT just sit and get this via
osmosis. It breaks my heart. Still, I sat and helped and figured out different ways to explain it, making the examples easier to understand. We still laugh, we still make it work, but it is pulling teeth through a brick wall (new saying!!). <sigh>
One day closer to high school graduation.
Pictures: Velma of Scooby Doo fame, created by Joe Ruby and Ken Spears; The hot honey/lemon waters as we work on math.
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