Wednesday, January 7, 2015

January 4, 2015

Getting to sleep!  Next Monday this won’t be the case.  Shrek 2 was on again…I guess he’ll be the go-to guy until cable/wifi is on again.  The plan today was to walk at the mall to get that baby jostled, if it was ok with the doctor.  At 11:30, Olivia got orders from the doctor to come in at noon, so we played around and prepared for our mall excursion.  

They were back fairly quickly, so we all loaded in the car (Ethan and I went in mine).  As with every time I go to the mall when I am here, it is disappointing.  I am no longer 16, the “cute guys” are all my age and do not hang out at the mall anymore.  There is no longer a music store with ‘cool cassettes’ of the latest -----(fill in the blank with an 80s hairband), nor is there and arcade.  Luca pizza is no more.  It is just one.sad.pathetic.thing…BUT!  We had a baby to jostle!  So we kinda walked..and looked..and they got Ingrid a pair of purple Merrels (on sale) and..and..and.  It was time to head home.

We got back and did stuff around the house (which is code for I’m not really sure what we did, but it wasn’t anything special).  I started working on Ethan’s bike and then decided to run to Plato’s Closet, a rad second-hand clothing store.  Sad story to follow:

It was HERE, while walking past windows, that tI caught a glimpse of my ass.  It has morphed into the rest of my thighs and it looks like a pathetic limp linguine noodle.  When I changed into some shirts, it wasn’t that the shirts didn’t fit, but my body…was…ewwww.  So, in proper fashion, I put the shirts back, thanked the sales people, and left, with motivation to christen my new yoga mat with enthusiasm and passion when I get home.  

Brian decided to take my kids to see The Hobbit and Olivia needed to pick up stuff before tomorrow, so Ingrid and I hung out and “payed” in her room.  We did a little baseball, a little writing names, and then she noticed one of the balloons felt sick, so we wrapped it in a warm jacket and took it out front.  We wrapped the twin balloon in a towel because he was sleepy.  I love imagination.  

Pictures: A  group shot; Ingrid and I "paying" - she loves pictures and making "biddi-os".  I promise my skin looks better than depicted.

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