Maggie was up at the same time as I and eager to make a
breakfast in bed for Ethan. I knew how
late he’d been up, so I told her we didn’t have to rush, that he’d sleep
late. About half an hour later, we
started on the bacon – just as Ethan walked out of his room. Maggie is often in the kitchen (she plans on
being a chef) so he paid her no mind and she cooked up his omelet. I was able to help explain a few things as to
prepping before you crack the eggs in
the pan, but she made a much finer omelet than I can make. Ethan glanced over as she put hot sauce all
over the omelet, but then went back to his BMX video on the Mac. I wish I had captured the look on his face as
he looked upwards as she handed him the breakfast with a glass of milk. He was very surprised and it was lovely to
However…the task of science lay ahead and Ethan’s response
time was horrific. He finally began as I
started in the kitchen, pulling out the cabinet, stove and refrigerator to
clean up after those furry guests. I
found a hole in the corner, which I stuffed with a steel scouring pad, but
something didn’t feel quite right. I
continued cleaning. Reminding
Ethan..Cleaning..reminding Ethan. Maggie,
meanwhile, had created a list of chores to do – sweep the front porch, water
the pants, rake the leaves, sweep the kitchen, etc. And there was Ethan, doing various gymnastics
on the chair as he created his science project and doing the bare minimum. I sat down to help him with something and his
attitude was so shitty that I was
done. I snapped my laptop closed and
walked away, telling him that I wasn’t willing to spend my time trying to help
someone who wasn’t helping himself.
Maggie was now skateboarding down a little hill near our
house. I was so proud of her as I
watched her form. What a talented daughter
I have…she gets the board yesterday and is already out on hills. Very proud.
I walked back in the house and remembered steel wool (I used it long ago
with refinishing something), leaving for Home Depot to pick some up. When I got back, Ethan was in his room,
sitting on his bed with tears in his eyes.
The project had been finished. I
got back to cleaning and stuffing holes with steel wool. What a mess.
There were three large holes which led right outside. I’m surprised I haven’t had more
visitors. Last year I got concrete patch
and sealed up a few holes I had noticed before, but these were in different
areas. What a nightmare. I may send a note to the landlord with the check.
Dinner was pork chops so tender they fell apart – so it was essentially
chunks of pork, and parsley potatoes, which both kids liked (very, very rare situation). After dinner, I asked Ethan to help me clean the
bathroom and to clean the dishes, which he did without hesitation after an immediate “ok” response to my request.
After everything was clean, the kids and I sat down to watch
“The Goonies.” Ethan had already seen
it, but it was nice finally watching this movie. It isn’t always easy in this house. There have been a lot of issues, as with any
family, but I am grateful that we have a strong bond and that, unlike my
growing-up years, we come together afterward
to talk about what happened. I hope we
don’t lose that ability.
Pictures: Maggie skating down the hill; My treasured Swiss pencils....
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