Thursday, February 26, 2015

February 26, 2015

The up part was interesting…I’ve worried my entire life about over-sleeping, so I was “up” and dozing probably 2 hours before my alarm went off.  I did my usual, then yoga’d, feeling the burn, feeling the stretch then went to take my shower only to find there was no hot water. I checked the water heater and it was off – pilot light was not cooperating.  I was unable to locate any of my long lighters and texted my landlord after a call to the ex was unsuccessful.  I dropped hints of the wood rat invasion by leaving a trap on the counter and putting more mint-scented cotton balls everywhere.  Surely he’d ask about the mint smell, right???

At work, I was given the honor of walking the track only to find the swimming pools where in use…by the navy.  There is nothing that makes me feel as patriotic as a service man in a pool (as a swimmer, guys in pools get me excited, anyway.  Make it a navy man…o0h, yes).  That was a nice treat (I didn’t “see” anything but their arms and heads at the end as they were instructed, but that was enough for me. 

After work I immediately headed home to get some meds (I was hurting a bit again) and headed to my site to do some paperwork.  I was also trained a little on more forms.  I understand why forms need specific things, now if I can just get the verbage down, I’ll be doing well.

Group was…amazing, as always.  I really terrific group of people here and by now they are starting to feel much more comfortable.  The numbers were down, which is to be expected if different agencies are footing the bill, but not by that much.  This is a really terrific group of parents.  Tonight we discussed drugs, and despite my experience and knowledge, the scene had changed quite a bit.  While meth was around when I was “active”, I never tried it (thank god), and while I still consider meth to be the worst, there are other, newer synthetic drugs which are becoming quite popular.  I’m glad I had the life I did and that I found recovery from alcohol because I can play the tape through for any type of drug and the ending is always the same for me:  jails, institutions or death.

Got home to happy puppies and a minty smelling home (there was no mentioned by the landlord).  After tomorrow’s session with my client, I am looking forward to a weekend of minimal stuff:  A lot of the Office, some laundry, some adventures.  My last class starts soon and there will be a lot of papers, but I am so close to what is hopefully my last educational experience.  And now...I sit in bed, thinking about the beautiful night sky I saw outside as I set out the trash for pickup tomorrow morning.  Bright stars shining with peaceful vehemence.  I'd like Ethan to sand the old wooden ladder so we can lay on the roof and watch the stars.  Ohhh, the adventures that life holds.

Pictures: The paperwork which excites me now (because it signifies I'm "in"), but will soon have me pulling my hair out:  "Three little birds, each by my doorstep...Don't worry 'bout a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be alright!"  Thank you, Jah; The fiery sunset tonight.

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