Thursday, March 5, 2015

March 5, 2015

Last night I slept in the moonlight.  The moon was
shining into my room, upon my bed and rather than move, I felt those beautiful fingers of light watching over me.  It was pure magic.

This morning, I received the most incredible words! This comes from a man whose daughter tutored my son at the beginning of the year:    “Your son is going to be just fine Apparently, Alyssa has been his go to  snack source for many months. Well, Ethan handed her a bag of coins amounting to Seven dollars for all the food she had provided to him over the past few months. She did not want to take it but he insisted . I do not know Any boys his age that would have been so classy and responsible. THAT BOY ROCKS.”  I cannot tell you how my heart beamed and has done so all day.  I am so very proud of my son and know that all those moments I have shared with him, both in his young life as well as now have made an impact on him.  I love that boy so….

School was fairly typical, I did end up talking to the principal though about a student whose language is atrocious (and I'm saying this as a former-sailor mouth) who threatens people, she bullies people and it's becomes tiring so I spoke about her.  The reality is this:  she is an adolescent girl who has experienced a tremendous amount of pain in her life.  I can’t remember if she is a foster child or if she was adopted, but her childhood can’t have been pretty.  Her acting out/behavior is a defense mechanism and I wish she could find some intense treatment so that she can alter the path she is on.   Didn't take a lunch and left work early so that I could get the kids to the dentist.  They need to get braces going asap.  Yikes.

Group tonight was especially powerful, hearing stories of these young children who are protecting themselves from difficult pasts just like the student I mentioned, only their parents are taking measures to prevent further injury.  This is such a terrific class for all parents to take.  I’m grateful I get to be involved with such a great lady, too.  Her stories are captivating and her words are spot on – she knows what she is talking about.  She also told me something which made my heart soar – that my way of processing my own difficulties and relating to others gives me the makings of a good therapist and that was music to my ears.  For so many years I have struggled finding my niche in the classroom – the place I did so well was Southern California and I haven’t found my place since, yet teaching was never my goal – it only happened through circumstance.  I always wanted to work with people in a therapeutic way.  I remember sitting on my bed in my very first apartment after the adoption(age 20) wanting to help people in a similar situation.  I was told I needed a Master’s degree  yet I had just dropped out of college.  Still, the Universe knows, and here I am…23 years later.
I got home to find my girl asleep…laundered clothes folded neatly on my bed.  The boy was up, watching Simple Cooking and as we talked,  he offered to make us an omelet to share.  It’s past bedtime, but why the hell not?  He had completed a great deal of homework (he proudly read me a short story he wrote), we talked…he showed me that he put my rowing machine together!!!  In the dark (Mags was watching Netflix)!!  I am proud of this kid.  I am proud of my other kid.  This two have given me more happiness than I could have ever imagined and in spite of all the fears and frustrations, the joy easily outweighs them all.

Pictures:  The Moon shining on me; Those kids of mine posing at the dentist's office; A tree preparing to shine with splendor; The omelet Ethan and I shared as a late night snack.

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