Wednesday, April 22, 2015

April 22, 2015

This morning,  my heart was warmed when a musician I know who is out on tour sent me a little note, reaching out and saying hi.  It meant a lot to me because it is – to me – proof that I am valued, which is something I often forget and something we all need.  Metallica also assisted me this morning – I’m in a real Kill ‘Em All phase lately.  This was, of course, followed by ABBA.  Makes sense to me….

The day.  It was ok, really, I guess.  I am amazed day after day at some of the conversations I hear, and while I realize much of it is a facade, I’m still saddened.  When did it get to this point?  After work meant heading quickly to get my oil changed (plus a belt…I should have asked to see it after…).  While it was in the shop, I headed to pick up some gifts for folks at grad school:  a bouquet for Chris, who is soon getting married (He is from El Paso Coronado, so I made sure to put a “Lee Rebels!” on the envelope) and congratulations balloons and cards  with the necessary sock monkey in graduation gear for my friend.  

I’m such an idiot.  I was thrilled to pieces when the clerk let me take the balloons for free…and I was grinning like a dork thinking wow..I’ve really got IT…until…halfway back to the Jiffy Lube, I realized the reason he let me have them free and the reason the balloons had no price tag:  I had taken part of the display.  Seriously??  How the fuck do I manage to live along and not set the house on fire???

Class was short – only my friend presenting her final project and then Dr Weber let us go early.  There is a Giants/Dodgers game on tonight and my hunch is this was about 89% of the reason he let us out.  Love those Giants fans!!

This is great, because I could be packing and gathering up for this weekend, but in all honesty…I don’t wanna…I’m tired.  Three years of class and/or homework after work whatever is difficult and I am just about finished with putting in any effort.  My house hasn’t really been cleaned since I started grad school, my dogs (well, Mabi) is not thrilled that I don’t take her out any more like I did when she was a young pup (personification, I kno  I have an assortment of yard sale stuff in the living room, but honestly?  That means I have to go through it and ….ugh.  This weekend will do me good.  Hipnic will do me even gooder. 
Pictures:  Running; A short scene from Union Mine's theater "Anything Goes", which opens this weekend. shouldn't all school lunches involve show tunes?

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