The dog woke me in the midst of the night, with her shrill, ear-shredding bark. Must be a squirrel or an ant...<then my brain kicked in to high gear and I thought of bears and meth-prone people>. Soon, she went to bed and the other one (with the boys) started. It went back and forth like this for most of the night. Melatonin for dogs. Seriously.

Eventually I slept continuously for a bit...then got up and started my coffee. It was nice sitting in my little bus, readying in peace and quiet. Eventually it was time to get the bacon and eggs going, but just as all the bacon was done, the boys said they were going on a walk, so I relaxed more. There is no time table here...well, there
is, but I am pretending for a little bit. Once they got back. I made them eggs, Ethan came back saying "That was so good! If God made a breakfast sandwich, it would taste like that." Nice to hear. He wanted to show me the area they had found, but my head was exploding (I had many nightmares about my co-worker) and I had to pick Maggie up at 1. We started packing things up (my share was simple), yet the boy was not happy and was sulking around like a sore loser. That was IT. I had done SO many things for him in the last week and I was SICK <and tired> of this attitude. I let him know that.

Friend was dropped off, Maggie was picked up. We went home. There was much to do and I needed rest <wouldn't happen, of course> I also had to return things to Target and pick up a list of items from there. Naturally...I discovered later, few of them worked and will have to be returned again. I quit.
Mags and I went to Sky Sushi for dinner. It is interesting with her being vegetarian, but I applaud her. She is sticking to it and has done a great job of it. Back at home, Boy had accomplished none of what I asked, though he did manage to get all his stuff done ,and to be fair, he gave the dogs a bath and I didn't ask him to).
It is close, though I'm not quite sure what "it" is. There is the feeling within that it is about to change. Maybe it's the 17 more days, maybe it's career, maybe it's country. Who knows, but who cares. I'm ready.
Pictures: The owl from last year's Hipnic; The boys enjoying breakfast; My reading area; Sushi roll of the night "Hot Cougar": Clip of Mabi and her "stick"
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