It shouldn’t be
allowed to go off on a Saturday morning…but
then I remembered
why it was going
off and all was forgiven.
In fact, I
didn’t have much time.
It wasn’t long
before I had to wake the kids.
curled my hair – there hadn’t been time for her to paint my nails last night –
partially because I was dead tired.
about a hell of an emotional day..in soooo many ways.
Naturally, the last few minutes were a bit chaotic:
I was mad because Dennis Cook’s Dirty Impound songs on 8 Track,
<the first was Blind Faith’s “Can’t Find My
Way Home”, which is my theme song> wouldn't play, I didn’t want to be late, things were not working according to plan...last-minute
stuff puts me on edge.

We were on the way – heading to Sacramento’s beautiful
Memorial Auditorium.
I had 2 rabbits
ahead of me…and watched one caught by CHP.
It reminded me of so many long road trips to Ft. Worth and the relationships
I formed with so many drivers.
initially found a parking spot right smack in front, but it was only for 2
hours and I knew we would be in a lot longer than that.
Ended up buying 8 hours’ worth (unintentionally)
of parking space and we walked 2 blocks.
It was a crazy mess and I didn’t understand the organization at all…but
it turned out I was in the undergrad section.
Sent the kids in to go find a seat and headed around to go find my cohorts.
We stood in the numbered line about 45
minutes…laughing, talking, remembering and planning.
I’m glad I’m not quite done yet with
all of these people…because honestly, I’ll
miss them.

We headed into the auditorium.
The music was so beautiful (“Pomp &
Circumstance, No.1" by Sir Edward Elgar)and it was such a surreal moment.
My heart swelled; I was an academic bride,
walking down my aisle. I looked everywhere for my kids amongst the family and
friends of fellow graduates to no avail, yet I was
so glad I had decided to participate in the commencement ceremony
to show my children that hard work
pay off.
What was funny to me, and
absolute proof that there is a Higher Power, was this:
Of all my cohorts, there were two who 11
times out of 10 got on my last nerve during classes and Guess Who was on either
side of me?
And once again, I was shown the error of my
ways for I was able to see them in a completely different light than usual, admitting
to myself that I was wrong again (which is ok).
I love those little God shots.
Masters of Cremonies, or whatever you call the fancy men and women all decked
out in doctoral gear, stood on stage and as our favorite Dr. Weber was
introduced, about 5 of us screamed loudly…as he smiled and shook his head
slowly, so we shut up.
That man is going
to miss the hell out of the life we bring to his classrooms.
finally got a text from Ethan as to their location – just as my row was about
to stand up to cross the stage.
It was
so exciting…finally walking, shaking hands (holding my diploma the wrong way,
of course), smiling for a picture with the Chancellor and then back to my
The entire commencement was
surprisingly short – just over an hour.
As I walked out, a tall, young lady jumped at me. “I love you, Mommy!” A tall, young man smiled and shyly walked up to me and smiled at me. I was thrilled and introduced them to a few
classmates. The blazing sun and the flowing
black robe made it uncomfortable, so we started the 2 mile trek to locate our
car, parked 2 blocks away. After a half
an hour (and lots of “Congratulations!” shouted from passing cars and even a
homeless man), I took the robe off, sand seeing we had 6 more hours of time, we
walked back to P.F. Changs for lunch. A
classmate was there with her family (her daughter attends TCU and makes a much
better TCU/Texan than I ever did). She approached
our table later…”Isn’t it great to be sober?” she smiled. You bet it is. This couldn’t have happened any other way. We headed home and each of us walked our
separate ways for a 2 hour nap.

Once again, I awoke, but this time due to heat.
Soon, my little ones awoke, as well, and we
prepared to head to Café Mahjaic for our graduation celebration.
Long ago, under different owners I called it Café Labia,
because of the art, which was very Georgia O’Keefe/labia like.
Now it’s quite different…the art isn’t as fun
<sad face>
and usually noisy…but
that’s ok.
Didn’t get our favorite
waitress, but she remembered us and stopped by to say hello and chat.
Dinner was delicious and I managed to eat
enough for two weeks (though as I stared at the salad, visions of nachos went through
my mind…really).
As our main entree
arrived, my mind went back to my friend earlier at P.F. Chang’s who told me to
say with my authentic self and not change “into a grown-up,” and, quite true to
form, my small roasted corn cob flew off my plate and onto the floor at this
Of course.
Can’t get much more authentic than that.
As the kids I left (after having to dig for change in the car to cover a
20% tip as I forgot to deposit my check), we sang to JC Mellencamp’s “Jack and
Diane” and Mags thanked me for having introduced her to “old people’s music.”
We cruised Main Street in Placerville singing
to Queen’s “We are the Champions” as I sat at the stop-sign, air guitar-ing the
solo and waited for the light to change (there was no damn light).
I have such fun with my tribe.
These are the days.
Pictures: Once the commencement had commenced; My hair-stylist at work; Awaiting the commencement; We have ceremonied!; My sweet text from my anti-school boy. <3
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