With a little bit of “Ooomph” and a lot a bit of dread, I
stepped on that scale: 75.2 kilos (Which
sounds much nicer than pounds).
was quite sad…this means I need to lose 11 kilos to be at my preferred
Before you go whipping out the calculators,
I weigh 167 pounds and would like to be around 144.
I have 25 pounds of nachos and cranberry
crunch stored in my lower region (which at
this point in life includes my breasts).
I headed to work in the bus, wearing my Birkenstocks, feeling
quite happy and content. How could I not??
Wild Cherry was telling me to lay down the
boogie and then I was “rising up, back on the street, taking my time, taking my
All it
takes for happiness is
PEOPLE!!! With ten minutes to spare
(I knew my

client would be a little late) I signed in to my computer, looking
up articles when she arrived.
I have to
say that today – sitting there during therapy, a little piece of “you
what you’re doing!” appeared and I liked it – I liked it very much.
After session, I wrote out my first computer prog
notes (!!) and was thrilled to bits with my co-workers.
About the gym.
One of the ladies
at the agency is a Zumba queen, so I asked her about the gyms she works in.
She said she could get me a much
better deal, but then left.
So, no gym
membership today as promised, but I
get active today and absolutelypositivelyswear
not to eat a cupcake.
I dropped by German Auto Werks so we (Lizzie and I) could get a new gas cap (sad face – there are
no originals made anymore) for $36 (*!!!*).
Drew put the cap on, we chuckled over funny superficial comments and I
headed off to get gas, then had to turn
around and go
to Drew because I
couldn’t get the damn thing off <my hand bones (see post from a few days
ago) could not twist the cap off as it was on so tightly due to the new
It took Drew quite a bit, too, so
I will just have to be that damsel in distress and ask for help.
Man, I hate that.

Headed home quickly to change and grab diving credentials
for the kids and drove to meet Jim and Melinda by the river in Sacramento.
On the way, I stopped to see about the stereo
for Lizzie: I was told I should exchange it for one with a USB port, yet it turns
out the one I have actually
has a USB
port discreetly hidden, so I asked about an appointment and a mini power
It would have coast me an extra $300
with everything the guy was throwing in, so I decided to just have the stereo
installed and I’ll go from there.
I got to the river, Jim got busy.
kids still had a great deal of signing needed to get their PADI cards.
For now (And in CR) they’ll have the temporary
ones, but that’s ok.
I was hungry, but
knew Chevy’s wouldn’t be wise for me, so I stopped (again) at Curry Club and this
time got Chicken Curry.
And curry is very healthy, so
yay, me!

Listening to the Giants, and feeling soooo sleepy, I got home
and…put on my shorts and tennis shoes, grabbed the leashes and we drove to a
trailhead by the American River.
The land
was so damn beautiful I was easily reminded of a lithograph I had bought from a
local artist.
Gently rolling hills and the
warm caresses from the Sun’s hands.
The Hips
were serenading me, as they have been since last week’s Calpine event <which
I am
thrilled there will be a second Dust Up.
I don’t want to miss that.
At home, I <did NOT
eat a cupcake> drew a bath…added some delicious smelling bubble bath and
soaked while reading The Alchemist. Such
a delightful novel on methods and manners which I used to employee in my
everyday life – being aware, listening to what Life was telling me. Life does
speak to us, you know.
Everyday. Sometimes with the gentlest
of whispers, other times with the harshest of screams. Many don’t listen, or simply ignore what they
hear. I’ve tried for much of the latter
half of my life (from parts of the twenties on up) to be aware and to raise my kids with this. It’s such a gift to be able to listen to what
Life is sharing with you.
Pictures: Hike pictures - first, of course, is Poison Oak. Thank you, Mother Hips, I'm still so mad I lost that video.
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