dogs this morning, it was a chainsaw. Fer reals. I decided to get
up and a minute later Ethan walked in having made me the most delicious, fluffiest omelet.
I joined him in the kitchen as he made Maggie's, where he correctly surmised
she'd fall asleep again before eating all of it. He and I relocated to the front room, talking...about life, moving to Europe, etc. He wants to
move to Austria, which is something I've been thinking about. It seems to me life in
Austria is quite similar to here, much more laid back than in
Switzerland. The one part - the only part that worries me is Austria's
part in the EU and the issues with Greece and similar scenarios. Yes, Switzerland might appear expensive, yet in reality, it isn't. The suggested minimum wage there is equivalent to about $21 US dollars, you also get what you pay for.

Sitting by the windows
when two Jehovah's Witnesses came up... Really. It seems it has been pouring rain on the Caribbean side (one of the men's family is vacationing there), so I made the right decision after all. After Mags was up, we headed
into town and walked up to Joy!(a little smoothie sandwich shop) for a smoothie. Once it was understood
what was wanted for the kids (fresa, mora y helato con leche), the
smoothie were put in a large cup with a thin plastic top heated
on with a fancy machine. The kids just had to pierce the plastic with their straws - it
was amazing!

We went to the market to buy some coffee and Tabasco (I didn't realize it at the time, but Ethan was replacing the Tabasco sauce he had used for his omelet at the house), then a taco restaurant owned by a Californian man. We headed to the booths to buy gifts for my niece and nephew (I love saying that) and headed home to change into swimming clothes.

We walked to the river where the locals swim. Crocodiles live in this river - though further down, we were told, but The Girl was still a little nervous about getting in. I was in full force: middle of the river, mask on, looking in the water. Boy was trying to fish with a line and a hook, but he had no bait, so he dug in the bank's soil a bit, unable to find anything. We were there a good half hour. The kiddos were getting a little snippety with one another; Ethan was hurt that Mags hadn't finished the omelet of his first breakfast in bed attempt, I think, and his additional peskiness was because of this. So Ethan headed home while Mags and I went to the fishmonger's shop - a few houses away from where we were staying. We bought two whole red snapper for about $4 dollars and headed home.

The last time I filet a fish was in Ft. Worth, 23 or so years ago, with someone who
knew how to do that. I did my very best to cut off those fish heads, then Maggie instructed me on how to effectively descale them without getting scales all over the place. It didn't work. Also, as previously mentioned, I haven't filet a fish in quite some time - since the catfish of '91. It wasn't pretty picture, plus the bastard dead fish pierced my finger with one of the dragon scales red snappers have on their body. We cooked the fish, high-fiving ourselves for our terrific novice attempt and ate it - delicious! Initially. Then we realized it really wasn't as good as we had hoped. Maybe the dead fish smell had something to do with that. So, after eating what we could manage, we discarded the rest and ate watermelon and other stuff. Ethan came down stairs after his post-sulking state and joined us. We then played another evening game of Farkle to the tune of a thunderstorm.
Pictures: Schildkroten nistplatz - Feuer verboten: Turtles nesting, no fire allowed; The vendor market; Maggie and her rays; Crocodile river - sans crocodiles; Fish heads, fish head, rolly poly fish heads; Ethan at work.
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