Tuesday, July 7, 2015

July 4, 2015

Saturday morning was a bit different – I’m not sure why, but I awoke at 7 something.  It didn’t take long for me to realize that it was because of the breakfast burrito at the Mexican food stand.  Last year I heard such terrific things about it but could never make it there in time.  A mini-pot of coffee (Hey!!  I’m doing pot, too!  Just a different kind of plant, technically. <beaming>).  Waiting for my burrito, I noticed all sorts of fabulous 4th of July costumes.  People really enjoy dressing up to these fests. 

I brought a pair of bees antennas to a Hangtown Halloween fest once.  I don’t think I wore them, though….  I’m not very committed.   Clare Foster walked past me, so we said hi and I followed her back to her tent, where we talked a while. Soon it was time for Steve Poltz, so I headed to Big Meadow – though this time I was prepared and came with my chair.  Naturally, Big Tall Dude stood right in front of my line of view for a majority of the show, but I was able to sneak forward and get shots of Poltz and Tim Flannery.  
I headed back to the RV park – I had to pee and wanted to check on my Lizzie (it’s odd, I feel so connected to her and need to be in close proximity a few times a day).  I ended up taking a nap that was akin to Death.  That memory foam is just heaven.  When I got up, rather than heading down to see the Wood Brothers right away (which was my plan), I started talking with Wyatt and Meghan, my neighbors.  They live in Santa Cruz and are both such interesting people in different ways – Wyatt is this older guy who has experienced the world, and Meghan is quite young, but so wise.  We talked about the world, life, cultures, music.  It was a beautiful talk.  We parted ways – me off to locate those mysterious people, they headed to music. 

This is when I saw that someone on Facebook had “reported” me for “nudity”.  Really.  Are you fucking kidding me?   Do you KNOW me?  Do you not understand what a ridiculous thing these societal norms are in this country?  That it’s ok to show people being machine-gun blasted to pieces but a breast or a penis is the fast route to hell? The Big FB assured me they would look into it and let me know of their decision.   In the exact same campsite as last year, with the exact tree decorated with bobbles and bits, Shannon and Eric entertained and we headed off to see the Motet.  Guess who was there?  Steve and Shelly. 

 I left, however, planning on John Butler Trio and sat there – on the grass…watching people.  JB is powerful and I enjoyed it immensely…but it was time to wander.  Saw Steve and Shell again, headed to see Lotus, and then…ever so early, I headed back to my Lizzie.  FB had reached a decision – that picture of the blow up doll was not considered nudity, so I had the option of deleting the photo, changing the privacy setting, or leaving it.  I left it.  I hope I was unfriended, because seriously, if you can’t handle a plastic dick (And it isn’t even a good plastic dick, it was a cheap blow up doll) at a music festival with all the horrific things happening on this earth, then you have much bigger issues.  I have been so exhausted this weekend, and I am leaving for Costa Rica soon – I can’t be this tired. I decided the next day I would pack up and head out rather early.

Pictures: Happy 4th!; Wonderwomanish waiting; Steve Poltz and Tim Flannery ; The picture that got me reported.  Good grief; My favorite HSMF picture - It was such a glorious sunset. 

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