Monday, August 24, 2015

August 24, 2015

Of course, at 8:33 last night, I started to feel better and began cleaning the kitchen, emptying/loading  dishes.  I heard my mom’s voice and I saw little me, with white/blonde hair in my very favorite soft pink night gown, telling my mom I felt fine.  She told me I always perked up at night and here, 39 years later, I was doing the same thing.  Only I was naked.  Don’t judge.

When I awoke this morning, early, I knew I was supposed to get up, but my headthroat was even worse (as an aside, the hair on the back of my neck shrieks whenever people say “worst” when it should be “worse”, or “acrosst” or that other word that I forget).  I did not get up.  I put the dogs out.  I went back to bed.  I got up after a bit to shut off the ready-made coffee.  I went back to bed.  I let the dogs in.  I went back to bed.  I knew my client was at 3 at the other office, so I had some time.  A little, anyway. And went back to bed.

I slept til 10ish, but that stupid headthroat.  I immediately began with the stuff and threw Halls in my mouth like it was going out of style.  My first inspirational quote (known as “A pep talk in every drop”) was “Buckle down and go forth!”  Fuck you, Halls.  You don’t even know me.  At the correct time I showered, put on clothes begrudgingly and went to return things on my way to work.  Of course I brought the wrong receipt, so forget it.  Next time.  I headed to work and handed in my résumé – I’m not going to lie.  I’m nervous, but honestly at this point if I’m not hired here I’m not supposed to be here, so I will put my faith in Universe.  She knows where I belong.  Met my client at the other office, they were there when I arrived.  She is a sweetheart with some decks stacked against her.  But then, these offices aren’t where the happy ones come.

Stayed and spoke with Jenni afterwards.  This woman is all sorts of awesome and I am sad I didn’t know her better when I was at UM last year.  She amazes me and I am lucky to know her.  Headed to pick up my long, lanky kids.  Ethan is out there playing flag football, and I’m glad – he needs team sports to teach him a few things about being a part of.  Mags is nuts about volleyball, so she is right where she belongs.  I was crumbling by the moment and wanted to pick up food, but instead we headed to the store for a few things…then In ‘n Out on the way home, after all.  I have felt so poorly the last few days that the gym is nowhere on my scope, so I figure that goes for food, too, right?

Came home and watched and laughed so hard with Mags on some Office reruns and then made cookies for my poor family people who are missing their boy tonight.  I will drop them off at his shop after I drop the kids off at school.  I also caught sight of my COBRA form, due by the 31st and decided to check out Covered California – our version of ObamaCare (if you must call it that).  Within 10 minutes I had the same insurance coverage I had through the school at a 200 dollar savings over Cobra.  Thanks, Obama! <smile>

Pics 'n flicks: " it's just a spring clean for the May Queen.  Yes, there are two paths you can go by,
but in the long run, there's still time to change the road you are on."  StH, Led Zeppelin.  Cheri Brown made me this lovely vase with a plant and fairy inside.; Thanks, Obama!; Cookie solace for a ever so brief a moment; Those guys...The Office rules.

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