My Get Shit Done Plan was still rolling fairly hard.
This morning I sent an email to Schweizerische
für Beratung
(SGfB) or The Swiss Association for Counseling
to find out about licensure, et cetera.
also looked around for more work leads, but I think much of this will have to
be done there.
It is difficult to
accomplish much from way over here.
Holy Excitement, Batman!
I found a shed skin on the floor in the back room. There is no way the dogs brought it in, as
they were in their crates and aren’t quite that crafty. There is a possibility it is a baby rattler,
there is a bigger possibility it is a lizard or a non-venomous snake. I will listen careful, be cautious and make a
lot of noise when I clean back there this weekend (so much for writing papers).

After a brief stop-off at work to get keys for the other office,
I headed to the gym somewhat early to get a good warm-up in.
I went for the MMA program on the Octane
machine, which holy-sweet-cracker-barrell, just about killed me, but then…it
didn’t and I got a second wind, being able to hit Round Two.
Ahead of me, there was this lusciously yummy
man with sweat dripping everywhere and I was quite willing to help him (should
he ask) in drying off…until I saw he left the machine –
dripping with his sweat, never wiping it down.
Gym etiquette, my friend.
just lost a love which could have been great.
Then Jake, bless his heart, took
the news of my nacho affair fairly well and didn’t divorce the training sessions.
Later, he even gave me some great tips on
food prepping: yes, I’m about to join that crowd.
He worked me to the point of pain, but it was
all simple stuff to help me get back to what I
should have been doing after my accident.
The kid is good.
I even made a commitment to him , no nachos
for a week (I have to use my AA one-day/week at a time stuff here, it’s that
bad). He laughed.
Clearly he has no idea
how serious my love affair is.
I showered at home, headed to work, where I was delighted to
see a blueberry (actually from yesterday) and now a small dead baby lizard have
joined my Bobby Ewing altar. My
colleagues are clearly on board with such gracious donations. Group was much better than yesterday’s Three
Stooges mentality, still..the backgrounds of the clients…my, oh my.

Time to head to Sac
the Mother Hips show at Harlow’s.
I was
to meet Scott and Heather for Dinner, but when I got there, I was told that
Scott was still en route with Greg.
walked around a bit – came actoss a homeless gentleman, sitting on a side wall
by Blimpies.
This man had a shag of
whitish hair and eyes so red and swollen, it was almost as if he’d been crying,
but that wasn’t why they were like that, I knew.
Hands so gnarled and dirty and ..
torn; His fingernails were thick and
yellow, ragged from such a hard life, his eyes bore such sorrow in their color.
I spoke with him a bit, had no cash I was
willing to give him, but as I rounded the corner, I thought why not buy him a
So I went back and asked if he
would like a sandwich and a drink?
graciously accepted, so I bought a ham sandwich with chips and a Pepsi.
I brought him the food and asked how long he
had been homeless.
“I’m not homeless,”
he answered very proudly.
I smiled at
him, told to take care and let him be.
More walking, I headed to Fleet Feet and got a good sports bra for my workouts. I'm committed and these girls need support as I MMA my ass all over the place. I
entered Harlow’s early with JQ and Scott came along and whooshed me backstage,
where I got to sit with the guys as they prepped for the show.
Scott taught me a bit as he showed a string
quartet piece he was composing (pretty fancy stuff), Greg jammed with Gene
Smith of Kai Kln, Hofe read (though I later had a rad talk with him and Evan
about sexual predators) and Evan Drath and I talked about Zurich and
Hallenstadion, where he’s been when he did sound for CAKE.
He even graciously loaned me some earplugs so tonight's show won't be reverberating in my ears through tomorrow morning. Heather came in and when the Hips played, she

and I hung out near where Scott played.
what I have to say:
I am a sucky groupie
<platonic, remember> because I
even be smiley and kind and nice to the band guys the way she can because I
think, “these guys hear this every day…I don’t want to add more to where they
have to do their polite fake smile and answer the questions they’ve already
been asked 28 times since breakfast.”
I just sit there and try to add a seemingly intelligent word here and
This is why I loved the convo between
Hofe, Evan and myself, because it was about a real topic, not superficial "oh you're so great" stuff (which they are, but they know that).
After the show, I gave Sam her swag from Ody,
I saw Joe, Jarrod, Moss, and Ginger (who is sadly moving in a few weeks).
I saw Troy and Brad and many of my other
These people, these Mother Hips
fans, are a majority of the people I associate/hang out with.
Because of this band, I have an amazing community
I am a part of.
So I’m a sucky groupie <platonic>,
but I have my friends, who rock as much as the band does.
<happy face>
Pictures: Tim & Greg - the magical duo; A sign I noticed in Midtown; John Hofer; Scott Thunes; Scott's composition.
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