I need to state, first
and foremost that often times I don’t edit before I post( like last night), but
I do tend to edit the next day, time permitting. I write these each and every night (usually)
and am often so tired that I can’t take the time to keep my eyes open, much
less add propositions, change the verb or check spelling.
morning was nuts. I read (and it was
later confirmed by Joette) that Harbin Hot Springs had burned in the Valley
Fire,. This fire has, in 24 hours, devoured almost 50, 000 acres and the
homes and works of so many. By us, the Butte
Fire has destroyed about 65,000 acres in its 4 day assault. This has given me much insight into this
weight of Stuff and Things which I keep with me. It needs to go. I have way too much Stuff and Things.

Ethan was picked up by his friends and Mags and I (after a
shower and effective leg shaving) headed out to go see Straight Outta Compton.
A few thoughts:
The movie was incredible and threw me back
into the 80s, listening to the N.W.A. cassette with my badass yellow Walkman as I
lived in Midland, Texas.
Yes, I was a
white girl (still am, actually), but I understood that anger.
No, I wasn’t being harassed by the police,
but I sure felt like everyone was against me (perceptions, I know).
I LOVED this movie, and no, it didn’t bother
me one bit to have Mags sitting next to me while they were “ Motherfucker say
She knows they are words.
She also knows about drugs and sex and boobs
and how women are dehumanized and portrayed/treated as sex objects by misogynistic
Ethan watched the same movie, but
with a friends and a “cool

person” (the girlfriend of friend’s dad).
He also knows these same things.
Now, I rarely have a kilo of dope in my
possession, nor do I have the loaded 12 gauge around, but I think my kids need
to know about this type of stuff that was going on and
still is going on in our world.
People are constantly pushed
down, taken advantage of because who they are.
On a side note, it was rad to be rapping along the movie.
Afterwards, Mags and I headed to Tips n Toes where she wanted
to get a pedicure. They were filled to the brim, so we grabbed a
bit to eat at Los Piños and I was very sad. It doesn’t taste
good to me anymore. My boobs have grown,
once again, to their former size and my taste buds are ashamed of me. Food doesn't seem to taste good, anymore. Buy then, most of what we eat isn't really food, anymore....

We headed to Tips n Toes then, it was past closing time, but
I was told later that they stay open until customers are gone.
It was very nice, my calves feel much softer
than they have in eons after the sugar scrub.
I told the woman I need to do that to my whole body.
Seriously, I’m a rough little piece of Human.
As we were the last customers, 3 little daughters came in, cute as could
It makes me think that not so long
ago, my little Maggie was 3 and now she is almost taller than I am.
We had gotten the “fancy” pedi, so we could
enjoy the hot wax dip after and I tipped 20% like I tend to do…but I think it
was a little much.
My math skills were under
pressure and my 20% ended up into more like a 50% tip when I tipped them
each $14 instead of $14 total and
splitting it into 2.
This is why I don’t
like math.
As we got in the car, 2
teens boys with their brim baseball caps were
being punk-assy and I wanted to get in their faces with my bad black ass, like
Suge Knight.
Except I'm a white middle-aged woman with regrown girth. Especially around the boobs.
We were heading home when we found put Ethan’s friend was
headed to the hospital for a possible broken ankle and a huge bump on his
forehead from skateboarding. We headed
to Marshall hospital. The friend was in
a lot of pain, but hopefully there is no break.
Ethan felt so guilty. Home to homework and verifying movie facts. Another weekend gone. My lungs are a little better, so I may skip 2nd
doctor’s visit tomorrow since I spent so much on pedicures. Gotta go make cinnamon rolls now for Mags to
wake up to…..
Pictures: The precious daughters; My poor gnome was knocked unconscious by smoke inhalation; Mags and I in the movie; My feet have carried my far; A smoky red sun sinks.
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