I don't even know where I woke up. It was somewhat similar to drinking
days only this time with
no headache, yet still so much pressure
. It was 6 a.m.-time to get moving, since the honored guests would arrive at 8. I was very excited.
Kids were woken at 7ish...which doesn't mean they were up, by any
Boy-child had spent intimate moments with his game/possible
gf; Girl-child had recently become a fan of early-to-bed and
late-to-rise. Still, by the time the movers got there, they were up and
good to go. One face was vaguely familiar, the other two not so, but
they are my people: we have fought the same Demon and I get that.
Within an hour, much of the house was packed. There was busy-ness from
my children without prodding as they knew what to do and the movers?
Professionals all the way(Best Way Movers). By the time they guys took off with the
first load, Ethan and I filled the dually and made our final dump run,
then off to clear out storage with the remaining boxes. Missouri Flat
Storage Depot was an incredible experience and I was actually sad to
close down the account. We met the guys at the house, and I directed a
few places items should be moved to, then headed back.
It was here that Maggie texted the landlord had showed up and she was
hiding in her room. I understand, as he thought we were gone, but
still. My heart started racing. It's moments like these that I KNOW I
am to learn a lesson. I guess in this case it's about putting on my
big girl panties, so I drove
home with determination. Except, as soon as
I pulled up, he drove off. Good riddance, I guess, and I got busy
doing what needed to be done. I did text him that I would do my own
walk through and video- record it, as I'd be out of the country on the day my lease ended. An hour later he returned, he and his wife unloaded some things
and he told me that when I gave him his keys, we were done. Ok, but I won't
be here... I'll give keys to my ex-mother/in-law and she will leave them
here. As he was walking to his car, the movers showed me a part of the
barbecue grill COVERED with rat feces and told me I need to let him
know about the severity of the issue, so I did. I showed him, explained
the tremendous amount of rats encountered, that I had pictures, and that
the house was full of holes. He just looked at me and didn't - couldn't - say a thing.
Later when my supervisor (whom I shall just refer to as My Susan)
arrived, she saw the house and questioned if it it were even up to
code. Probably not. Her fabulous kids helped as well, and we were
to "schlep" a few more things over, plus I got to show the house off.
Then the ex came by and I got to show it off AGAIN! He also gave me
rides to help with the car transfer issue. At one point he called me
"honey"...later he texted and said it was great conversing with
me....which it was, only...not going there again. Not with him.
Possibly not with anyone, at this rate. I'm told to be open and such,
only to have the door closed (not that it had been opened by anyone, but still...there had been that chance. Right??). Humph. As for now, we are done packing
and moving. One more night in this house, on the floor, then off to SF
to catch a flight. Happy face.
Pictures: 2863 has been good to us. Good-bye. I hope someone buys you who will care for you and put love into you so you can shine; A girl says good-bye to her first all-by-herself room; The horns were happy to move to their new home; Driscoll's of Midland- fine china and Waterford crystal from long ago...not even opened yet; My bedroom. Oh, I am love with this sumptuous room which is almost sinful. I'll be excepting a better-than-Fabio-like man to bring me breakfast.
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