Last night, Maggie asked me what I wanted for
Hipnic tickets.
No, mother, really.
I’m dead serious, Mags.
Hipnic tickets and a parking pass.
This morning, I awoke to the alarm and
glanced at my iPhone – there was a message “you have a ticket and parking pass.”
Oh MY GAWD!!!!!
My wish came true
. Thank you, my friend.

The day began with an appointment with a handyman to arrive
at 9.
By 11, he pulled up.
The sink has a leak and heaven forbid I get
charged (or billed) for damages not incurred by me, yet again.
As he worked on replacing the sink faucet (and
once again, a 15 minute jo takes over an hour – welcome to my reality), I unpacked
bathroom stuff and started going through the garage.
As much as some of these sentimental items
have meant to me, or relationship is just about over.
I am
with lugging around all this stuff (except for the books).
He finished and I had 8 minutes to get to my already-delayed-by-half-an-hour
lunch meeting.

Lucnh was delightful – I introduced my friends to the wonderful
sushi bar I’ve begun frequenting and was able to pass on a turtleneck I
adored as a 5 year old (yes, I remember this
I only wish I had the green velvet
dress that accompanied it)
to my very
precious little friend Sophia.
After our
delicious (as always) sushi lunch, I headed over to Tatjana’s house to pick up
some gift bags as I had forgotten about the kid’s clothes I bought in SF.
This home – and the changes they, themselves have
made to it.
What an incredible thing to
be able to do!
As we were touring around
the house, thunder boomed, rain fell, then a tornado warning was broadcast.
I left not long after and saw streets white
with hail – incredible cloud formations – white, gray, black.
As I turned onto my street, I received another
tornado warning. As I got home, I saw L was parked there and soon kids bounced out
of the car, excitedly telling me about the tornado they had just seen, very
close to where I had just been.
I looked
at Maggie’s pictures, and while the vague shape of a funnel cloud appeared,
this was in no way the tornadoes of my former home.

The kids and I walked in and soon began preparing our
Christmas dinner.
Last year it was
spaghetti sandwiches, this year they wanted pork chops.
It was nice – warm, all three of us in there
together, slicing and dicing as the Mother Hips replayed Friday night’s show on
a Hips link.
Dinner was soon ready and
we ate
- far too much food made for just
us three.
Especially since I had just
had sushi as few hours before and really wasn’t very hungry.
Oddly enough, we all cleaned the kitchen before
the kids “hid” in their rooms so Christkindl and I could get to work.
The Christmas spirit isn’t what it used to
be, for some reason…a few hours with my kids before they go back to their dad’s.
what a “good” divorce I have, but man oh man.
It just seem so empty once they are gone.
This is year 6 or 7 of an alone Christmas and
while I enjoy alone, it seems that lonely is creeping in more and more?
Of course I say that and am usually reminded rather
quickly what the other side of the fence looks like and I’d rather have this
side any day.
Within about 15 minutes, all the gifts were open…except the envelopes. Ethan was thrill

ed with his shaving gear and
robe – he hadn’t expected anything.
was disappointed she hadn’t received her Xbox 360 and small tv.
I called them into the living room and gave
them the envelopes.
Together they read,
and though they were happy, they were not as thrilled as I was, which is totally
I didn’t quite understand the
importance of it, myself when I was given the Swiss citizenship.
That’s ok.
I handed Maggie the envelope from Mr. Conrad Needlebaum of Petaluma, CA and
she read a few lines before squealing with joy.
She will soon get to be in one of the Brother Comatose music videos.
As I drove them home, we were talking about the
much better tires on my car when we passed by a Porsche Cayenne which had gone
off the road into a fence and lay on its side.
Police had just arrived and paramedics weren’t anywhere in sight.
It wasn’t life-threatening, but my goodness –
wake-up call.
It was a lovely day, all in all.
My favorite boy was happy as punch (love
makes us that way) and my girl was happy, also, but
in a different way. The cool thing is we are together (even
when we are apart).
Tonight before dinner they were
sad because we forgot to say “en guete” before we ate (a tradition in CH).
I think they are a teeny bit excited about the
looming adventure. Happiest of Christmases, everyone. XO
Pictures: Stocking are always first; Hail, hail...; The fire-pit's first fire; Of course I broke this decoration from when I was 4; Time to burn more past. Holding onto it is pointless.
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