Tuesday, December 29, 2015

December 29, 2015

The day before, a hike….  It soothed the soul somewhat, except for all those people (about 8 – like friggin’ Central Park at a free U2 concert).  Yesterday, an adventure to IKEA to get a bed-frame (which is too little for Ethan’s mattress, of course) and a dresser for Mags.    It was fun at IKEA; I think that is the first time Maggie and I have been.  We also picked up a wool rug which will last forever and be brought to Europe.  It was a fun trip.  We picked up Ethan on the way home, and then Mags and I stopped for dinner while Ethan sat in the car.  It was here I learned of Lemmy’s death.  Makes me so sad: he had found out 2 days before his death that he had cancer.  Horrible.

Today the alarm was supposed to wake me, but I beat it by an hour.  I was going to juvenile hall today to start learning ropes.  It isn’t as strict (obviously) as Folsom Prison – I can wear any work-appropriate clothing, not specific colors and types of clothing like at FSP, I can wear an under-wire bra.  Still, no scents, no jewelry.  

No deets on the kids there – but what an experience.  I go back tomorrow for more shadowing.  It’s going to be tricky in a few weeks.  I will be pushing more than a full load, which is tough in this field.  
Home to children who…had not finished putting together the furniture (well, Ethan had finished his bed-frame yesterday), had not made a fire, had not cleaned the house.  Rats.  I need to leave a pumpkin-do list next time.  

I made the best damn soup ever in the history of the world, but as it simmered, I popped to the store to get butter and a few things for my ultra-super-healthy muffins.  After I found the pop tarts, which were cleverly disguised in a box of pop-tarts, I headed home and we ate.  Ohhh, my gawd, it was so damn good!  Mags and I made more healthy muffins 9and I learned I didn’t even need the butter, then we ate tator tots in honor of Napoleon Dynamite and I burnt the muffins.  Again.  Just like the first time.  We watched more scary shows….  Earlier to bed, though.  Ortho appointment in the morning.

NEWSFLASH:  Boy child just showed me that white/gold or black/blue dress again.  I CAN SEE BOTH VARIATIONS!!!!  This is why I'm a therapist. 

Pictures: Mags constructing her dresser.  I start my kids at an early age;  "Are you gonna eat your tots?" ~ Napoleon Dynamite

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