This morning I had promised the kids they could sleep in –
but for the love of humanity, at 11, I had to do a bit of rousing or we would
never get going.
The housekeepers are
already done by then, so I told them not to worry about us today.

My big plan was to see Wasser Kirche today because I
absolutely love the statue of Richard the Great (Richard the Lionhearted) which
has been there since a super long time ago (1200s?
1300s? 1400s)?
Unfortunately when we got there, we saw that it was closed today.
Of course. No matter, we shall go
by quickly tomorrow morning – seeing it is that
important to me. We walked about
Niederdorf one more time (well, we may walk there again tomorrow, who knows)
and went to a café where Maggie presented me with an early birthday gift she
found in the Christmas markets they had by the train station – a Turkish candle
older .

My gosh – what is there to do on such short days other than
walk and eat?
My poor boy – that is all
we have done here, other than a couple ice skating excursions.
Maggie is picking up on things – wanting to
learn phrases so she can ask for things on her own. Ethan has also been saying
“Danke” which is promising.
We went to
Zeughauskeller, where William Tell’s crossbow is/was stored.
They had incredible Weinerschnitzel there,
breaded veal, with lemon and delicious Pomme Frites.
Ethan just wanted his Marroni – so I gave him
some money and he snuck some in.
This is
where I’d be meeting Justin in a few hours, but I look at it as more recon (though
I was here frequently for beer when I lived here).
Back in our part of town, we headed in to get
all the chocolate for home at Migros.
anything, the cheese, bread and especially the chocolate (for Girl, anyway) has
made a huge impact.
Those food items
will be my “carrot”.
As we were in line,
I notice my 2 credit cards and driver’s license were missing from my
God dammit, it hurts to be in me,
I didn’t have time to search,
really, as I was meeting Justin, so I left some cash and the tram tickets for
the kids and off I went.

I went
back to
Zeugkellerhaus and asked if my credit cards had been, per chance, found.
course not.
Still, this is Switzerland,
so I wasn’t as worried as had it happened in the U.S. where already a small
fortune of items would have been, no doubt, purchased.
I saw Justin and time stood still.
It was absolutely as if it were 1986-7.
We had a terrific time talking about current
time, the difference between CH and the US, kids, school, life.
It was terrific.
He treated me to dinner (which was a salad
and mineral water as I’d just eaten their schnitzel) and then we walked over to
the James Joyce Bar, a ritzy place in the banking section (where he is
He recently moved back from
the US and shall be a great source when I have questions.
This is something I have to at least
It may not work out as I think, but
living here has been a dream for far too long.

I headed back, where the kids had packed their items.
Sitting there on the bed, I looked down
and…found the credit cards/license tucked between the two mattresses.
I don’t know why Universe plays these little
tricks on me.
We managed to
mostly pack everything. . Chances are we
will have to reshuffle to redistribute the weight, or I’ll just pay a fortune
again (chocolate instead of beer for friends, this time).
IT has been a dream.
Far too quick, but as wonderful as
Zürich – I’ll shall return.
Pictures: Kids at the cafe; Sammi Chlaus driving the tram; The balloon that stopped BahnhofStr; Justin & me; Ethan ponders this morning - our last in Zurich *until we return*.
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