A beautiful sleep – and I awoke on fire.
I felt terrific, the blood coursing through
my body.
I chatted a bit with my friend
who had translated the German for me.
time to get things moving for my psychology degree – I should hear soon about
turning in the paperwork for Montessori.

The first plan of today was to get items for snowshoeing –
but sadly, in retail it is Spring now – so there are no snow boots for me to
try on.
I was able to find my Merrell Barefoots
since, thank god, there is no season on running.
Sports Authority had nothing, either…so much
for snowshoeing.
I head to get OUT – there was such a gorgeous duvet of gray
and off-again-on-again rain which made hiking irresistible. With Ball-Point-Birds
cued, I had an accidental 8 mile hike in the rain, slipping and sliding through
mud, singing the whole way.

The hike proved rough for my muscles, but I’m working on
While I may not have buns of steel,
according to Moh’s Scale of Hardness, I’m about at a silver (2.5-3) ass.

Home to a dinner of crab and the most delicious healthy lentil
soup, then I finished off the last three energy balls.
Tomorrow I will make more muffins since it’s
clear I have no willpower when it comes to balls.
Pictures: Mabi is displeased with the tree-hugger-tagging she found; Ball-Point_Birding, Cronan Ranch, Nature's tombstones, Stop War in Lotus
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