Despite best intentions, sometimes things just don't go the way we wish. After a few months of "success"(?), this morning I began taking my SSRI again. No depression this time, yet anxiety isn't any better. "It
feels like an extreme version of being in love without being in love"
is the way I described it to someone, except instead of butterflies in
my tummy I got visions of my kids and I being killed in a car accident
just about every time I got in a car. That's no way to live.

When it rains, it pours (my favorite quote from a salt company). There was a little feeling during yoga, but I ignored it. A
few hours later, though, while sitting with a client it became evident
that I was NOT at all well, and so, I cancelled sessions and headed
home. Pepto Bismal helped my poor stomach feel calmer.

Literal down time gave me time to compose a wedding ceremony for
June 23. For 87 more days, I'm an official wedding-er.
I'm sad to miss the Bernie event, but just getting to Maggie's
track practice for pick-up is bad enough (and its 10 minutes away from home).

Home where we tried to finish watching "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World". I say tried because we had 23 minutes to complete when the 24 hour rental-time ran out. I also recognized my illness-I got The Food Poisoning. I had this years ago when L & I went to some fancy Folsom place. This time I only have myself to blame. Damn Whole30 egg muffins.
Pictures: Meds ready & waiting; composing the wedding script per El Dorado County regulations; My view of Buddha as I hide in my duvet with a heating pad on my tummy; One of Maggie's gifts to me yesterday.
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