Monday, August 4, 2014

August 3, 2014
• This is what happened around 2:30 last night:  maniacal barking,  and thus, I knew.  Initially I just shut the doggie door so Mabi wouldn’t skunk up the house, but then I felt guilty…heaven forbid that scent becomes a part of who she is forever,  so I gathered supplies and we had us a fine de-skunking party around 3, and I scooted her right back outside.  It would be my luck that we have a resident skunk living in close proximity.

• I had intended to make it to a Hot Yoga class, but hadn’t set my alarm.  Decided to work out at home, instead.  Grabbed those weights and did some leg work. I found this great workout about using a wall, so naturally I tried it and looked *far* too much like the before-shot for my own tastes.  But that’s the thing, I *am* the before-shot.  I haven’t been able to do much in almost 2 years (well, I COULD have done more, like brisk walks, but I’m a hard core even though running kills me, I ran, or nothing at all).  If everyone did the actual workouts they pinned, our country would look a hell of a lot different (me, included).  Still, my arms are nice and sore and my boobs are not accustomed to feeling muscles next to them (this can go in one of two directions…), so that’s a good thing (or a BAD thing, if you went the other direction, but they keep telling me that one day my prince will come).

• I did Other Stuff, just don’t remember what it was because of the mundanity (new word!!) of it. My neighbor’s sister was outside, strumming her guitar and singing so beautifully.  If only I had the discipline to make it past learning 4-5 chords, then quitting.  Apparently I only need 3 to rock all of AC/DC’s song’s.  I am proud, though, that the one song I ever played (on tab, no less, which I learned and have since quickly forgotten) was Willie Nelson’s  “Blue Eye’s Crying in the Rain”.  I did manage to move books around from here to there, then back to here again, since they didn’t fit there.  I have 9 book shelves…some smaller, yet they shelve books, so who am I to discriminate on size?  I need one more book shelf for the books tucked away in drawers or stacked elsewhere.

• I think I am going to throw in the towel tomorrow and will go look for clothes that are a size larger than what I am currently trying to fit in.  Yes, I may get a bras, too, though as much as I HATE clothes shopping, I hate bra shopping even more.  SWerner is going to warn me when “the annual clearance event of the season” <said in snooty Victoria’s Secret accent> takes place.    I keep telling myself, no, just get it together and lose those few pounds you’ve gained in the last 2 years, but I can’t seem to get in a pattern, which makes it difficult.  Hopefully school will one day end and I can get back to the soccer field with Jen.

<More emotional, sappy section> • One thing that helps me is when lose my appetite because  I have a crush on someone..when there is active flirting going on.  I love that.  At the fest in Petaluma yesterday, a friend has discovered a lady love and said he’d lost 2 pounds in a few days, and that he was going to go buy some fancy clothing because she was a fancy lady. <sigh>  Those googly-eyed days are the best, ya know? I wish him the best of luck ❤️  As fer me, I noticed how I kept wandering..never staying in one place, with one group of people, so I don't really get to know people (like at shows, since I see the same people all the time).  That’s how I’ve always been…elementary, high school, adulthood.  I’m just a rollin’ stone, per Bob Dylan, though a bit differently than the star of his song (I’d hope).   And…that’s about the close of our summer.  Two more days to sleep in.  😳

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