So this is my day, in a nutshell:
Like an invisible punch in the gut.
I keep getting these amazingly clear messages that I belong
elsewhere, yet I don’t listen. Today I
got in touch with a classmate and pulled up a few places in the region that are
hiring. I was in touch with two today
and there are a few more I will send my resume to. It is amazing to me how when I share some
information with the Universe that I ALWAYS get a response, only I didn’t think
it would be this quick. There might be a
human helper. <sighhhhhh> Yeah, I'm a little pissed off.

It felt nice to pick up my son (Mags had volleyball) and we
tried to deliver the meal to the Other Boy and his family, but the road was closed
due to paving.
Saw a State of Jefferson
sign for the upcoming election, explained it to my son who thinks it is
absolutely ridiculous.
Quick race home to get docs for a potential
work site and back to grab Mags, some froyo, deliver meal to the family
<smile> and a drive up to Shila Sushi, which is a
little closer to the
fire. We saw the VLAT again and again (well, I had,
all day), along with all sorts of ‘copters, but I saw there was no clear view and I
am NOT ABOUT to get in the way, so we turned back.
We loved listening to a female pilot who seems to be
commandeering all the air tanker/copter drops.
I heard her yesterday and will tune in again tomorrow after work. She is smooth as can be. Lovedlovedloved when a male pilot said “We
can’t seem to find you…” and she piped up right away. “That’d be because I’m right
behind you.” The plumes from the fire
were amazing – thousands of feet into the air.
The kids thought of cauliflower/fluffy marshmallows. #firecloudshapes

Headed home where I made some delicious from-scratch
meatball soup.
BOTH kids loved it (rare
in itself).
A friend also texted me to suggest I get down to *** immediately as it was crawling with
He initially suggested I
sneak into camp with nothing but boots on, but I didn’t want to get arrested this
week, so we have hatched another plan to “git me a fireman.”
I am touched that now, along with vaginas and
breasts, people also think of me when they see firemen.
The legacy I leave my children shall indeed
be an interesting one.

So, the ending for today is that it has been a SHITTY day,
but I am TRYING to look at what I can learn (‘cause there are ALWAYS lessons)
and try to remember NOT to be so “me.”
There’s a place for that, called “home.”
Plus, there are many who are faring
worse than I , and I have the honor of supporting them with my children
tomorrow night at a memorial service. <3
Pictures: a punch in the gut ;(, the State of Jefferson; Mountain of smoke; the highlight of my day, hiding Inuit Dude...scrambling up the chain, fierce little Dude that he is. He inspires me.
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