The sky was a misty gray this morning…only it wasn’t mist,
rather the thick, heavy smoke which was
settling in our foothills. I thought it would burn off quickly as the sun
reached a certain point, instead Sun
in the smoke like a lost beach ball.
At work, kids
kept asking me throughout the day if I was going to the game that night (tonight
was the first football game at Union Mine), and though I had hoped the kids and
I would go, the first Middle School dance took precedence and Mags got to spend
the night with Grandma.
After work, I decided
I needed to walk the dogs and work with Annie a little bit.
There were seriously points where I wanted to
bash my head into the nearest telephone pole.
This dog needs to CHILL.
have I *never* ended up with a very mellow dog??>
Back at home, I decided to do some spot cleaning since the
boys were coming here after the dance to spend the night. When that 5 minute rampage was finished, I
decided to add some yoga to the music I
was listening to and ended up creating Led Zeppelin Yoga. I am not kidding...that stuff makes me spiritual all over the place. <wicked grin>
The plans for this
evening were to go to Raley’s to check out the candy. I am not even kidding a little when I say I
felt like a voyeur, so once I located the gluten-free items I wanted for
Ethan’s friend, I left. . I
noticed my rear car window was open, so I looked back in the seat to check and
dammit, there wasn’t one firefighter
back there. This is pathetic. I can't even go to grocery stores to check
out firefighters and then I can’t even get one to sneak into the back of my
car. Headed down to Winco where I can
get most of the items for half the cost that I can get it up the hill. Yes, even eye-candy doesn’t beat a nicely
priced cucumber (oh, gawd…that came out sounding much different than it should have..but seriously, they are half
the price at Winco). Dropped stuff
off at home and wouldn’t ya know? They
didn’t have an item I wanted at Winco, so back
to Raley’s I went…I parked in the other end of the parking lot this time. Much to my dismay, they didn’t have Pho soup
at Raley’s either, but I had half an hour to kill, so I bought a 2nd
bar of Kerrygold butter (I got one at Winco, too), got a different Asian soup,
Australian yoghurt made in Colorado (don’t ask) and something else. Who knows.
I was enjoying myself. Still, as I was loading up the car, I felt
foolish again, and when a whole pack of firefighters (Troup? Pride? Gaggle?) came walking down the
driveway, I felt my knees get all swoony, so I had to rush and sit. The great thing? I got a fire fighter’s number tonight. The bad thing, so did everyone who was
listening to the scanner at that moment.
<siiighhhhh> Headed to the school
where I picked up the boys. They had a
BLAST and I was thrilled to hear it.
They each slow danced, too. That’s
so cool. I miss that. Dammit.
I want to go on a date to a dance. <grin>

The boys hadn’t really had dinner, though they weren’t
However, they are boys, so I
suggested we go pick something up.
where we went? <grin>
This time I
had a semi-legitimate excuse and we picked up a few bags of chips for the boys.
While we were there, two very tired fire
fighters walked up.
I looked at them
both, in the eyes, smiles and said, “Thank you.
This community is so very grateful to you all for everything you are
That’s what I had wanted to do
to the other FFs I saw, but I feel so foolish.
Then I feel silly for not speaking up.
We talked for a bit more and before I left, I told then to be safe.
I noticed lots of
dozers and other heavy machinery that I heard the scanner talking about last
night. The plan was to get them in
position so they could start cutting lines.
I can guarantee you that there was not ONE frustrated driver behind
these slow 18 wheelers (our streets are tiny and narrow and the drivers were
extra cautious). People are so grateful
to these men and women. I also
discovered the name of the pilot we heard on the scanner – Mary Verry. She has quite the following now. <3
There isn’t an update for the fire today, but there is concern. This bad boy has a few more tricks up it’s
sleeve. I just pray the fire fighters
stay safe.
Pictures: Sunrise; The CMP Middle School Dance; Gratitude; Sunset
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