I knew it getting closer to one, which was go time, and I still wanted to prep dinner for tonight, so I got up. Meatball soup. I spoke with Micaela several times, and eventually decided to head to El Dorado Hills to pick up towels from a hotel. Noticed there were strike teams from San Bernadino County there…about 50 or so. Got to basecamp and saw the same folks as yesterday, who escorted me in without issue. I located the Easy Up (which was not easy to put up), so I asked handsome fire captain dude from Amador County to help. <batting eyelashes> (Not really). I think that is one of the first times in a LONGGGG time I've asked a man to help me. Interesting concept. Especially with firemen. <wink>I managed to walk behind the "Do Not Cross" barrier <do you have any idea how difficult that was for me??? Every molecule in my body was screaming at me while my I whispered to myself "they're not going to yell, you won't get arrested, you won't get dog-picked by 25 firemen. Dammit. You won't get dog piled by 15 firemen!"> Got the tables set up, and men were offering to help me , waving, smiling. The trick really is act is if you belong there. Humph. Who knew?
I learned a little bit more last night about life at the fire
camps. There are large trailers which
are currently sitting in the parking lot at Raley's.
These are sleep containers and you can hear the generator-powered air-conditioners
buzzing as you drive past. The firefighter
I spoke to said the crews often stay out of them as long as they can, for in
each trailer is a ship’s hull-like experience:
sleeping quarters for about 45 men.
It is cramped, it is tight, it isn’t that relaxing. I didn’t believe that, until I spoke with
Nick Rose, who verified 42 men in this sleeper.
It is nice, to hear your name from across the parking lot and you see a
federal agent wave at you and walk over.
Quite a few guys here remembered me from yesterday, which is always
nice. After we were moved out front (I
had set up the EZ Up, set up the table, folded the towels from Holiday Inn, and we
were kicked out of the fairgrounds), I stayed for a little bit longer, but..my
ego was in a great deal of pain. I had
been quite active yesterday, contributed much more than I should have
(financially) and yet…well. Let’s just say
my ego was bruised (not because of being moved outside the fairgrounds,
though), plus, I was also exhausted, so I left.
I headed home to get back to my homework.
Back home where the boys had most of the fort cleaned
up. I heated up the soup I made and we
all a delicious dinner. I got back to
homework and also sent out another piece for a possible position
elsewhere. I’ve realized there is a lot
of fear. While I do not make much money at
all, education is what I have done for the last 14 years. This new adventure is something completely
new and though I feel it is where I will excel, it is still difficult to leave
the safety zone, especially when you are on your own. I really am
on my own. I do not get a big monthly
check at for the kids, but we do well, the Universe provides us with what we
need. Now if I can just shift that faith
over to this new career, I’d be a lot happier.
Pictures: A jar filled with 101 Reasons why Ivy is Maggie's BFF. She misses being in class with her friend and wanted her to know hoe much she values her. That's so rad; The mobile sleepers the FF sleep in, and an inside shot (haha!! No...I didn't go inside... <wicked grin>); and lastly, an ant I saved from the water as I was drawing my bath. Poor little dude, but I think he'll be fine.
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