Thursday, September 25, 2014

September 25, 2014

I could smell it, I could feel it, then I read about it, but it wasn’t til leaving home that I realized it really was raining and my soul was instantly excited.  A grand celebratory part of today was the Putting On Of the Size 8 Jeans(POOTS- 8-J).  We have been separated for quite some time, but were reunited today under the most blissful of events (see first sentence).  POOTS-8-J days are the best.
 * as an aside, 96% of the time I write the word "soul", I end up writing "sould".  I looked to see if there was a definition of the word "sould" such as "ancient worker with people (as in therapy, not prostitution, which, on second thought, would be more applicable with the word "sold"), but there was not.  I wonder if there is a reason my fingers write the word "teh" instead of "the"???

 This morning was my first supervision and it.was.amazing.   Within 20 minutes I think I learned more than I did in an entire term in class  I was taught specific goals to work toward during today’s group and the difference was amazing from a year ago in which I just felt like an observer at a dysfunctional circus. Plus, I got to do yoga wearing my jeans, and they didn’t even rip.   

Today was The Day for a student.  I noticed a few days ago how she struggles with writing.  I recollected Very Turbulent Time when I was just about her age and how writing – even though it was shaky initially, helped me greatly.  So I gave her a set of “magic” pencils (Dixon Ticonderoga), a notebook, an article on the benefits of writing, and a card in which I wrote an acronym of “write” and a few words.  I believe in her and think she can make it.  

Somehow, I managed to bypass that plate of cupcakes that sat on that table, slyly looking at me with their delicious frosting, and I ate my grapefruit instead.  That was so damn hard.  Even managing to fit into the jeans wasn’t good enough to keep me away…which is why I believe in a Universe.

And another "somehow"... I managed to lose my flashdrive at work.  Then, on the way home, I "somehow" thought I lost my phone (I had turned off the wifi so the locator wasn’t working).  It was that kind of a day, but I managed to get to school, had a terrific time discussing firemen and …what class am I taking???  Oh yeah, firemen.

I managed not to piss off one single driver today (to my knowledge), though when a lady in a Lexus (in front of me)turned on her brights, despite a car being 20 feet ahead of her, I turned on my brights to let her experience what she was doing to dude.  I feel somewhat responsible in using subtle (sometimes) aids to remind people how to drive correctly.  I must admit, however, that I am starting to bear a striking resemblance to Evelyn Couch, the Kathy Bates character in “Fried Green Tomatoes” <really>

Pictures:  Raindrops.  My soul cries for raindrops; Cupcakes vs grapefruit (talk about willpower); Notes at school....

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