Friday, September 26, 2014

September 26, 2014

Not sure whether or not its true, but I was told that the firefighters were asking about me at basecamp.  That sent me right off to happy sleep, even though it really means nothing….  The morning was beautiful…but I felt I needed a bath, so I took one.  I always get a very “creepy” feeling when I bathe in the morning…makes me think of childhood and it’s weird, but sometimes the need for hot water supersedes the issue.  After I got out, was dressed, had fixed my salad lunch, I realized washed hair would be fabulous, so I washed it.  Some days it takes me just a little bit longer….  Got an email about an interview Thursday before class regarding a practicum in Citrus Heights where friends are doing their practicum.  That would be rad.

The Day At Work.    I felt woozy and week much of the time.  Had to take frequent sit-down breaks.  My brain wasn’t working well.  Need to feed that bad boy some fish (sushi!!) or avocados (sushi with avocados!!!).  But as all things, the work day ended and I was feeling a need in my bones to hit the mountains.  Thought a quick jaunt to El Dorado National Forest would do the trick.  I wasn’t feeling up to my usual rugged hiking (no trails and generally up) Saw so many signs along the freeway, thanking the firemen..and even a man sitting on his truck with a huge “thank you!!” sign, waving to all the guys heading out, since excess resources have been demobilized.  We walked deep into the beautiful forest, but headed out after an hour as Annie, for the second time, had taken off somewhere and doesn’t seem to realize she is the one called “Annie.” Thank goodness Mabi instinctually herds things.

On the way down, dude in the truck continued to wave.  After dropping off the dogs, I decided to take myself out on a date to grab the best carnitas burritos there is.  Mindful eating as I read the Smithsonian and then hit the market for some parsley and such.   Really – spirullina powder right next to organic taco seasoning. I also found out about puppy training (as if I have time) at Petco.

At the market, I wondered if I’d accidently driven down the hill to the “fancy” store as it was eerily “Nugget-ish.  Sudden exhaustion overcame me and I had to hurry, for fear of falling asleep in the “Ghana basket” section.  Back at home, I found my comfy California hoodie, couldn’t find my sweatpants, so I’m the commando officer the CA Jefferson army.  <facepalm>  <palmface??>  speaking of commando, classmates asked me to make vagina cupcakes for out community mental health class presentation.  I'd love to (and maybe some penises) but how do I find a correlation? Thunder booms sporadically as I on eat my B&J Americone Dream á la Steve Colbert.  I’m so excited to go to bed.

As my 5th post, allow me to complain about chai teas.  The one I enjoy the most,
Good Earth Vanilla Chai, or even just Chai, is nowhere to be found.  I have 5 DIFFERENT boxes of chai teas and none of the really appeal to me.    #goldplatedtroubles

Pictures: Hiking in El Dorado National Forest..south of the King Fire

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