It was a very quiet night.
I really think Annie is happy to have her own space. As bullyish as Mabi is, I can see why. She’s a great big sister, but she sure could
use an ass- whoopin’.
I woke up early this morning, thanks to a text, but ended up
being quite grateful for the early
awakening…. I, quite honestly, do not
remember what happened this morning. Did
I do yoga? I could swear I remember
focusing on a pose in daylight, but who knows.
I did know that I decided to clean my room today and holy gawd, the
domino effect took place HARD. The first
part was sorting my books. I love my
books, I feel such attachment to them. I’m
quite saddened, however, that at this point in my life, the words make little
sense and are simply floating symbols.
Hope to return to my book reading days when I do not have to cite

From there, I went to Ethan’s room.
I have been telling that boy for over a year
to clean off his shelves, so today I took the liberty of doing so, myself.
I also almost called CPS on him for
endangering himself with trash and filth behind his bed.
I’ll save that little threat for next time.
Into Maggie's room, who
keeps a pretty neat space – until I noticed the same thing behind her bed.
Where the hell do these kids learn this
I certainly never did it.
I DID have an experience once, cleaning a
house when I was newly sober in ’93 at a woman’s house and she had a mess of
used tissues behind her bed.
I did not
go back to this job.
An adult woman who can't throw used tissue in a waste receptacle???? Ok, I realize I'm being judgmental. Then I put tools away, cleaned out the garage
(what we call our carport), worked on the back, did something in
the kitchen (oh, yeah, ate salad) and decided to head downtown with the pups
where they were having an antique sale.

Sadly, I saw the cutest little table with fold down sides
and little drawers, so I had to get it.
Now I have to fit “refinish” into my life as well.
Sadly, for the first time ever, I left my bank card in the atm.
Bad moment.
Though I discovered later that whoever found it had already called in to
the bank to cancel it.
I walked around the fair a
bit, got a little cast iron pan and talked to the man for a while (I love cast
He told me to return later and
talk with him more.
Nice enough man, but no thank you.
I suck.
Walked the dogs back up hill to the home front to get the car.
I also decided it couldn’t hurt to go grab a
book or two at The Bookery (this is where I discovered I'd lost my card).
I was short 1.60, but he said just drop it
off next time.
Book lovers are awesome
people (btw, I purchased a book on Greek and Roman mythology to read to the
kids and a book on symbolism (!!!!)).
love symbolism.
I also met the man who is running for city council
again. He was by here yesterday and we
spoke for quite sometimes, again. It is
nice getting questions answered. He
seems to have all his ducks in a row and I like his standings on local issues. I put his sign in my front yard. What next…?
Ummm… I came home cooked more (matzo ball soup, which reminds me of Knödel
Suppe). Very yummy. Managed to squeak out my homework, have to write up notes for group and shall then die. I have gotten more
accomplished today than in the last 4 months.
Pictures: Placerville's old alley way; The Bookery and my treasures; The new old table; my CLEANED bookshelves!! Well...2 of them..Have about 4 more to do in the house.
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