Monday, September 1, 2014

Septemeber 1, 2014

The night was a dull one, in terms of vivid dreams, other than my “Mark Zuckerberg!” moment just before I fell asleep, thus when I awoke I didn’t feel as if I’d accomplished much of anything.   There weren’t any big plans, nothing much to be done today other than folding laundry (shit!  I just realized I didn’t get that done, either) so there wasn’t a lot of drive.  There was no more whole grain bread (because nowadays,  with this whole gluten/carb craze, how could I eat anything else?  Thank god there is no Mrs. Baird’s bread here), so I ate plain yogurt with homemade granola.  When I look into my refrigerator, I wonder…kefir water, goat cheese, kale.  I look like a frigging reject from macramé folk song circle.

I’m just going to be honest here…I tried to achieve something.  I put on some music: The Black Keys, Damian Marley, Steve Miller Band, and I tried cleaning the kitchen.  I got distracted though and ended up making another salad, which was phenomenal (Brandon, I forgot to mention Walnuts – very important and they blend well with the goat cheese).  So I sat at the Mac, at salad and unsubscribed myself from additional lists.  I also ordered my books for help my god, this school thing…don’t get me wrong, I have made some wonderful friendships here and I will miss my time with the office crew, but jiminy crickets, I gotta git!

<At this shameful part in the day, the lack of doing anything significant thoroughly exhausted me and I had to lie down for a nap>  Once I got up, things STILL weren’t much better in terms of accomplishments.  Some days just are, ya know?  I figured this need to DO SOMETHING has been installed by my parents, and yes, despite having redone the front yard myself  (and with kids, and with L, for 2 hours) for the past 2 weekends, there is always more that can be done.  I have an inner conflict occurring.  I think L would go nuts watching movies at home with me because I’d constantly get up to DO SOMETHING.  That’s why I like hiking, I’m DOING SOMETHING, but not.  So L texted me at 4:30 we’d meet at the church by school at 5.  I’m still in my cowboy cami/Iron Man pants and this is not acceptable to wear out in public.  Walmart – perfect , but public, no. I changed quickly, and hit the grocery store to get more salad stuff, only to get a text that the meeting time would now be 6.  Ughhh.  So I returned the volleyball, came home and …ate another salad  This is 2 days in a row.  I’m practically a vegetarian. 

At 5:45, I head out the door, only to see they’ve been at the church for 10 minutes. <ermagerd>  Fine.  Hips on: Desert Song playing, and we’re off, and by we, I mean dogs, because I want to run them somewhere.  I’m terrified Annie is going to jump out of the window again, though I’m hoping that was an “on her period” thing and has since passed, but she looks so…so, “happy” (aka, 3 cans short of a 6-pack) that I’m just not sure.  It is very stressful driving with her.  Pulled in to the parking lot in time to catch L on Ethan’s BMX bike and I smiled.  Maggie was walking around with her volleyball and had quite the little sweat going, so L has been working her.  We ended up hanging out there a while: Mags practiced and Ethan showed me bike tricks.  He had a fantastic weekend with his friend on the river: white water rafting, inner-tubing, etc.  I’m so glad.  He needed that.  Mags had a blast at her friend’s house, as well.  I let Larry know that Tim was on the job as my new matchmaker and there was a possibility I would be relocating to Texas immediately once Dream Dude was found.  He chuckled and said ok, then added he wasn’t aware that Texas was the only place with single men.  I told him it had surprised me greatly, too.  Good thing he is so supportive and understanding.

Headed home with my tribe, we talked about hiking instead of SF.  We’ll see.  I managed to get them home and then within minutes, I convinced them to sit in front of the TV and I started up Food Inc as I made us….<anyone??> salad.  We watched about 40 minutes of it, as we sipped on kefir water (see post #1) and ate Kickass Salad.  Then, true to my word, I moved the Mac in and we watched the new Doctor Who.  I am crazy about his Scottish accent, holy cow.  AND, I just had the brilliant idea of tuning in to Scottish news stations instead of Zurich stations on my Tune In app.  Sent the kiddos off to bed as I’m about to slumber, myself.  Up at 5:30 again and it’ll be tricky with Maggie’s volleyball games, plus classes beginning again.  Allons-y!

 Pictures: Maggie hard at work, making home-made croutons and dining on salad and kefir water as we watch Joel Salatin explain the importance of real food. 

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