Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September 2, 2014

5:30 arrived far too quickly for my tastes, so I set my phone for an additional 30 minutes.  Sadly, guilt ate at my insides, however, and my body wanted to s-t-r-e-t-c-h, so I was up after 5 minutes.  My muscles have been tight since the Yard Event of  8/23-24, so  routine would be good.   Bob Marley's "Get Up, Stand Up" was the theme for this morning...I be jammin' in de kitchen. Mags was singing along too.  Ethan was a fine audience, as usual.  Dressed, and experienced no hangover in the bra-area.  Maybe this Kickass Salad is the solution to shrinking these babies back down again.  They aren’t being used, anyway, so…..

School is pretty much back to normal: some of us are doing what we are good at <smart phone>.  Good grief. I enjoyed a quick pop-in to second block where I almost burst into song (actually I did burst, quietly, because I didn’t know if these kids were “ready for me” or not).  It would seem they are, so I played my roll of Liesl from the Sound of Music.  Actually I was Maria, but Sabol called me Liesl.  It’s ok, though, I’m quiet versatile.  On to different kids…  A few weeks ago there was a post on FB showing various stars made up as cholas .  I thought that would be a simple Halloween costume, but I can’t do it anymore, because one of my kids is a chola and she’s a kickass kid.  Bad situation/bad timing.  Life isn’t always fair, but I want to be there as much as I can for her.

After school, I headed to grab Ethan then wayyyyy into the hills for Maggie’s first volleyball game.  I missed the first set but was told by one of the coaches that she has a natural gift and she should play club.  She was responsible for winning the first set…the way she told me later is she was also responsible for losing the third set.  I was very proud to see her in action.  A cool thing I got to see at the game was one of our kid’s dad’s actually works at a facility I am familiar with and interned the teacher of our class.  Got that?  Small world because years ago,  I taught this man’s sons.  Circles of life…we are all in this together. 

We headed home to attack Ethan’s math.  I couldn’t get anywhere with it, so I cooked dinner first.   Salad (of course),Wienerli for the kids, hashbrowns for me and Ethan, and quinoa for me.  Plus the Talking Heads.  Quite an interesting dinner.  Steph called and we go to the homework..but it was to the point where we needed the help of an engineer and even HE had difficulty with the problems.  This Common Core stuff is not fun.  Ethan may be in 7th grade for the next  5 years.  Tim, you asked for things I would like in a man? The ability to help my son with schoolwork, especially math.

Math is done, put away, I finished the next batch of kefir water, helped my Mags plan for her 11th birthday party  and plotted throwing away the iTouch Ethan has.  If That Boy is so entranced with YouTube, why doesn’t he YouTube how to do his damn math? The one thing that broke up the frustration is when I told him I was about to put my head through the wall and he laughed.  Eventually, he was able to tell me that the reason he isn’t able to sit and “do anything” is due to the fact that he has no idea where to start.  I thanked him for telling me that, because it says a lot.  Maybe we will head to SF this weekend.  I want to get away, though I’ll be there in a month for Hardly Strictly.  We’ll see….

  Pictures:  What I wake to when my boy is here:  I'm always protected. <love>; A sticker from 2nd block which I agree with; my kefir water in 2nd fermentation with some of my stickers.

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