Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Septemeber 3, 2014

oga…  and a dirty little secret.  I still struggle with my left and right and I could swear  she messes up in yoga by not focusing on “what you do on one side, you must do on the other” (to steal what I used to say regarding the trinomial cube during Montessori presentations).  Move your left foot back and move your right foot forward still results in the same foot in the back, am I correct?  As of late, this is what I think of, rather than getting in my yoga-zone.  Noticed Brandon posted  a rad music clip on FB this morning and I smiled…how beautiful this relationship has become.  We FB/Instagram…the kids adore that they have “a big brother” in Texas.  It is true that the most difficult things can become the brightest points of your life, and I truly believe that with the right intention, beautiful things come to pass.  Oh Brandon, you had me at “double bass”. <smile>  The morning progressed beautifully until…I realized I was out of raw pumpkin seeds and had to substitute raw sunflower seeds, instead.  Oh this glorious life I lead.

t was reaffirmed last night by a very special woman that crazy people with no grip on reality truly exist in this world.  I was also grateful that, of all my FB “friends”, there is only a small percentage that I do not personally know, having ‘met‘  them via bands/band friends and I won’t do that anymore.  On the flip side, however, on my way to work, as I waited while school children climbed aboard their big, yellow bus, I saw them hugging the bus driver, and she high-fiving others, which renewed my faith in humanity.  School was the usual crazy adventure, as Some People Are Too Busy Looking At Their Smart Phones To Really Get Much Work Done.  However, I was fortunate enough to meet a woman (mom of a student) who makes her own goat cheese from their goats and the process their own chicken/turkeys, so I have my first connection. <changes made, “Jesus, Mary and Joseph” and putting it in my mental backpack,  sigh. How’s that, Sabol?>

an I admit something else?  Something I could never say aloud to others…but I am feeling very sexy in my glasses…something has changed in a 180 degree kinda way, because I rarely wore them other than at home and have been doing so often for the last few weeks now.   I feel confident, though somewhat blinded as the sun is so damn bright, but still, I’m indoors most of the time, so....  Things have definitely shifted. I am also, courtesy to three days of primarily salad, feeling terrific.  The caramel apple (*see later)didn't help, but small steps. <grin>

hat a chicken run day it has been…after class, in our 100 degree weather (100 – it’s the new upper 80s), I hustled to get errands accomplished prior to picking up the kids.  Decided to “save time” and took the dogs on my way to pick up the boy from his first tutoring lesson with a beautiful girl who was once, not so long ago, a little girl>  My goodness, what a few years can do.  She has gracefully entered her teenage years and I was taken aback.  The dogs, however, were taken aback with the whole “on campus” experience.  Mabi hadn’t been here since she was a puppy…Annie has never been here and she’s excited about the color of dirt, so convincing Mabi to “heel” took some doing, but she managed…until she saw Ethan in the classroom and then she couldn’t contain herself:  her human was in there!  Went to pick up Mags from volleyball practice and off to the field for a bit of basketball dribbling.

nce at home, I continued my manic work and started cooking Ethan’s creation of spaghetti sandwiches, which involved heavily garliced-buttered French bread (always freshly made), a salad, and the kids and I listened to Iggy Azalea (I swear I’m gonna memorize a song and tight braid my hair on the side so I’m a badass Aussie).  Still no sign of our Inuit, and I’m very concerned.  I checked in the potted plant, but to no avail.  Our neighbor came by with caramel apples (**later!!  later!!) for the kids and an invitation for me to join them soon for drinks.  I need to learn it is not necessary to begin every such convo with, <smile> “Oh, I don’t drink, I’m in recovery.”  Mmmm…yes, I DO drink.  I just don’t drink alcoholic beverages, but YOU can have all ya like.   We finished the evening much earlier than usual, which is nice.  It was wonderful having Ethan finish his homework at school….  Getting ready for class tomorrow night.  The adventure begins again.

Pictures:  The owl who helps guard our home and my glasses....

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