his morning I
paid strict attention to Shiva's words and yes:
right foot back then later, left foot forward…it’s the same
movement. 6 years of this and I finally
figure it out. I’m not watching her, of
course…I know what to do, so why would I?
Still, I feel vindicated. Now the
only issue is paying attention to my
movements and treating both sides equally.
Fun morning with music featuring more Iggy Azalea, Becky G, & Chandelier I’m not a fan of Chandelier – sounds too
Rhianna-ish to me. On the way to school,
the kids were very proud of me as I passed a milestone: I honked me horn at the 4 way stop where
people have difficulties waiting for their turn/counting to 4. It was a monumental task, but I laid into
that horn for a good 4 seconds. The kids
high-fived me. They think I’ll fit in
better in SF.
ur program is quite
full: We have about 6 kid who need
one-on-one and it’s me and SWerner. Now
that a student has been moved back into our class, I’m not out on campus
anymore – jut in C102 (except for ICT and I shall continue to share the wonders
of computer magic if applicable). It was
a good day, though. I hopehopehope
(confidentiality, so no details). <smile>
wore a “summer-y” top (which I later realized
was a dress..damn, those thing are short) with a long skirt today…but just to be
“on the safe side”, I wore a tube top underneath to keep the girls in line. Don’t
ever do that. The tube top squashed my boobs after about 5 hours, and since the ‘top” was actually made for a female
with a much smaller bosom than mine, it meant the cup-part ended up riding high as
the girls were in agony. It made for an
unfortunate day in honoring what I was given.
Really, if I didn’t despise clothes shopping so much, I’d spend a day (or
at least 2 hours, I think that would be sufficient time) to get things which fit
me. The rad thing is <new topic!!>, I love high school
students. Had I never been terrified 14
year ago, I would’ve gone for a specialized teaching credential instead of
multiple subject. I could’ve actually
gone someone with HS, still, mental health is a fun gig if you can get it. (in editing this later, these makes little sense: one minute we are talkin' compressed body parts and the next my choice in education-career. Please take note that it is noted)
icked up the boy
(Mags had game two of volleyball today – she told me later they were creamed…. Apparently
many of these girls are in club), headed home, grabbed my books, and headed to
class (after a brief stop at a certain local establishment which is privately
owned. I am doing my part to support our
economy). Here is what I want to say:
after my very generous and committed offer of finishing off
the caramel apple my daughter didn’t want, and all the pain and suffering that I
endured (my jaw was SO damn tired after
chewing that rock-hard caramel and this morning, the roof of my mouth had a scrape
on it – also from the caramel – making it VERY difficult to comfortably eat the
Mexican food due to the warmth of the food), I may never eat a caramel apple again. Our professor
is amazing and the time went by fairly quickly.
This community mental health class will be a good one – more based
towards the population I work with. Found out one of my classmates is moving to Pennsylvania
after his degree – I told him I want to move, too..but to Europe. Wonder if getting the dual Master’s will make
any difference…or is it all just a pipe dream…. I’m open. <again - many topics in one paragraph. MLA would never approve).
ome and thrilled
to find the kids had done what was asked of them..though still glued to the Mac
(Ethan) and the Kindle (Mags watches Netflix). I’m looking forward to Saturday –
hopefully we can make it to SF or maybe Davis to ride bikes…or the lake… Our adventures are always such fun. On a different note: the Inuit IS STILL
missing and I’m getting frantic. No one
knows….Maybe he’s back in the tundra.
Come back, Little Dude. <3
Pictures: a rad little wooden vegetable box the kids and I found in China Town, so I grabbed it to take home. The kids were shocked, but it was with other discarded boxes, so why not? Mabi and Maggie wrastlin' over a little stuffed animal, and Little Inuit Dude a week or so before his disappearance. We are devastated. The last location was in the Pathos plant, but I've gone through that numerous times. No Dude. I may make "Missing!" posters and hang them around the house.
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