Friday, September 5, 2014

September 5, 2014

I was THIS close <pick up your hand & hold your thumb and forefinger as close
to each other as you can without touching> to hitting the snooze button (haha!  Eatin’ and snoozing..snoozin’ and eatin”  Sorry that’s a little Marcel the Shell reference), but I remembered that I had started a new intro yesterday and I really liked it, so this, in itself, convince me that despite it being Friday, we still has some work to do.  I went nuts:  though I did all the poses, all I could focus on was her ‘right foot back/left foot forward’ instructions  - and even though I know this routine like the back of my hand, Istill use the instructions because of timing and her calm voice.  Though perhaps this is Universe’s way of saying “Lady – it is time to spread your wins and go without instructions”.  Hmmmm.  See how writing helps process?   The morning was a rushed one, being topped by a gigantic cherry: as we were rushing out the door, the kids noticed a small box left on the table, grabbed it, handed it to me saying, “Oh yeah, Grandma left this here for you last night.  It’s from Dale – you’re gonna love it!! Sure enough, it was a pair of fender guitar picks made into earrings, just ‘cause.  How fortunate I am to have such a special relationship with my former husband and his family to the point where they gift me beautiful things because they know it is meaningful to me. 

our-day work weeks almost always seem longer than 5 day work weeks.  I picked up the kids and  in honor of the 2nd Battle of Tehuacingo in Mexico: Hernán Cortés vs Tlascala Aztecs (in 1519), we had a plate of nachos .   I wondered why all the El Dorado  kids were looking at me with such disdain….it wasn’t until later that I realized that it’s Friday, and today of all the Fridays (I rarely do this) I wore a Union Mine T-shirt.  High school rivalry is the best:  I still despise yellow and purple (Midland High) and often hear the chant “NO more MOJO!” when I saw a pile of keys (Permian High School).  Go Lee!! <smile>.  We filled up the car and I mentioned my mouth was still damaged from the caramel apple.  The conversation somehow shifted and I mentioned how I loved caramel corns. The kids were confused.  You know!  Caramel corns!  They are orange at the bottom, white, and  yellow on top! !  The kids laughed, remembering my daft statements the other week  (these are frequent..I amuse the kids) and corrected me:  Candy Corns!! <merfgfhgdjcgh>

e decided to get laundry folded and take care of things before hand so we could just leave for San Francisco in the morning.  My cracked phone screen is getting worse, so I made an appointment at the Apple Store in the Marina on Chestnut Street and told Ethan we’d be heading to the Chestnut store at 5:20.  He laughed out loud and said, “It’s the Apple store…not Chestnut”.  I giggled and assured him I’m not that bad yet, but Maggie thought the same thing, so maybe I better watch it.

he best news of the week is that Maggie located Inuit dude!!  Ethan forgot he had hidden him in the pottery I made long ago.  Best news and I won’t have to make “Missing” posters.  Ethan and I watched a show about Vanishing America together…he later showed Maggie and me a video about a dog dressed up as a large spider that terrified people.  It was hilarious.  Clearly done in a different country as the dog would probably be shot here.  Very tired.  I even napped briefly when we got
home, but I still feel almost narcotic-ed (a word a created for this occasion).

ooking so forward to going to SF for the day.  Leaving the dogs at home, but I bought soup bones so they’ll be satisfied.  The beach first and then some city action.  Very excited for my mini-adventure with my minis….  I’ll drift to sleep now, listening to the announcer over at El Dorado High School and remember my Friday Night Lights.

Pictures: Candid shots of E&M as we are playing with the dogs; Maggie finds Inuit Dude!!!  Hurrah!!

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