• It was great to be back, and other than not honking, I'm a SF driver. I easily do a uturn (flip a bitch) in a road and parallel park quite well. I can't parallel park in Placerville to save my life. Made it to the Marina District in 20 minutes easily and found a parking place there as well. We walked around and Maggie and I got homemade ice cream's creamery only to find Ben & Jerry's had a sample truck which parked right in front of the Apple Store. Ethan and Maggie both got some free ice cream. We saw a man standing in front of The Gap who was painfully metrosexual. This promoted me to have a long discussion with Ethan. Please. Please please please. Do not roll up your designer jeans, wearing no socks with your Italian tie-loafers. The gelled hair, the sunglasses, the big watch, the "just-so" 5 o'clock shadow. I almost threw up.
We got into Apple, where I paid $60 out the door to get some missing iPhone parts, then I paid over $160 to have the screen replaced which I could have done a lot cheaper in Sacramento at a different (non-apple) place. I was never told about the AppleCare plan, and after calling apple, I can't purchase it now, despite being a loyal apple consumer for close to 10 years. Thanks, guys. You really know how to take care of (fuck) your customers.
• Headed to China Town, where again, instant parking place (on a very steep hill that made the kids nervous), but I paralleled us just find <Turn tires out! Turn tires out!>. As I changed on the back of the car, the kids noticed through a construction fence that some homeless people living in a bunch of discarded boxes. It bothers them a great deal because the temperature was in the lower 60s to them quite chilly in there very concerned about the homeless people. Maggie and I were freezing. Ethan was smart enough to bring a hoodie, but Maggie and I hadn't even thought about it. Enter cheap jacket and rad California Republic hoodie I've wanted for a while. I have a Monterey jacket I got the same way <not thinking ahead>. Apparently we had just missed the Autumn Moon festival. The kids were starving so the second lady that handed us a brochure we followed to a restaurant. We ate well, though I prefer the Chinese place in Oakland. The kids stooped eating and announced that any leftovers that we ended up were to be given to the homeless people. That's what we had done in Davis. I thought it so sweet that they were saving food to give away to people in need.
• Just after leaving the restaurant, we saw a homeless man sitting on the sidewalk with a very raspy voice. We gave him our food. We explored China Town for a couple of hours, finding all sorts of interesting things. We were tired from so much playing on the beach and decided to head home. One very interesting comment from Ethan: "Donkeys are legit". So there you have it.
• I made the 2:16 drive home in an hour fifteen. Miami Vice driving often come in handy. They fell asleep as I sang, first to an "Old School" station, then Mother Hips. The kids helped me unpack the cooler and headed of to bed. I noticed my bra strap was twisted, which explains why it was somewhat uncomfortable after a few hours. Shirt shorts and a twisted bra strap. Oh, I'm getting bad. It was a beautiful day. An ideal trip would be to bring our bikes, but next time. After a long soak in lavender water, I'm ready to sleep as tomorrow we're cleaning the pond filter and I get to hit those precious books again.
Pictures: A shot of the Golden Gate Bridge (taken by Ethan) as we head to the Marina; my Jonathan Livinsgston Seagull stone; The Judah line ends here. <3; The moon and China Town's Autumn Moon Festival.
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