Friday, September 12, 2014

Septemember 12, 2014

 was up at 5:13 this morning, my Magic Time.  For some reason, that is the time I awoke after my separation/divorce to do yoga and it worked.  Sometimes, ya gotta do it the way you used to. There has been more shifting and shaping in my body in the last 2 weeks of yoga and clean eating (noticeably to me) than there has been in the last 4 years of workouts, gyms, running, Advocare, high protein, supplements,  just eating this, just eating that and juicing.  Different things for different folks, glad I’m back to mine.

t was a beautiful morning.  I went in with a lot of supplemental material for our kids, one in particular.  Ahhh, the life in an ED classroom…so much chaos.  <so much I want to write about but won’t, due to confidentiality>  Later, I was taking notes for my homegirl, who is one of “my people”, (I tell her I am an inner-Mexican), I said “shite” quietly, but she heard me and thought it was the answer to the question the teacher had asked (I sometimes give the kids answers) and piped up “Is it shite?”   My eyes widened and I giggled, telling her not to repeat what I say unless I make eye-contact with her.  She is concerned about my eyebrows (which I manage on my own) and thinks I should get them threaded. This is the 2nd time in 3 weeks she’s brought up my eyebrows, which   I think is adorable (though I’d never tell her that)  I have a sneaking suspicion she’s trying to chola-ize me because I’m so down wit dat.  She is also very worried that  I am a "hippie" and asked why I don't dress more like SWerner (bright colors with matching, fashionable items, rather than neutral  "I blend with the forest" which are, in all truth, more hippie than hip. 

ff to pick up my Maggie so we can prepare  for her birthday party tomorrow.  We have pies to bake, panda cookies to make, car to wash, etc.  By the time we got home, it was 4:30 – I HAD to lay down for a moment or 15.  Sleeping isn’t necessary, but I have to rest myself…and I think it’s good that I do that, letting the kids see how vital itis to take care of one's Self.  I was up again shortly, with visions of butter coffee dancing in my head, only to realize we were out of sugar, so we added in the additional errands and went to wash the car, only to realize we had no quarters with us, picked up sugar and a roll of quarters.

he pie was the fastest thing to do, the added assistance of Queen making it fun.  We have so much fun together as a family.  Missed Ethan’s presence, but we’ll see him tomorrow at the birthday party.  Cookies next, and as the icing didn’t turn out white enough, I added marshmallow and it was deliciously perfect.  However the black frosting proved tricky  (my panda looked stoned, Maggie’s looked anxious), so we decided to just decorate, instead.  I grilled hamburgers, having to finish cooking them inside because the propane ran out.  Mags and I didn’t finish them.  Despite it being Harris Ranch beef, we remembered “Food, Inc.”  Blech.

rateful the boobs are calming the hell down and shrinking again. I can wear my Cowboys tank without a bra and it isn’t offensive anymore.   No 5:13 for me tomorrow morning.  I look forward to sleeping in a little (one of Maggie’s friends is coming over early in the morning, then another will spend the night after the party).  It should be a fun rollerskating party and then pizza with her friends.  My Favorite Daughter.   Next Friday night, I’m excited to take them to their first high school football game.  <who needs a man?  I’ve got tweens>

Pictures:  At the car wash....; Maggie bakes; Our results: two strawberry pies, 19 cookies (including stoner panda (mine) and nervous panda (hers).  Next time we'll make fondant and do it right).

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