Saturday, October 11, 2014

October 11, 2014

For WHATEVER reason, I was wide awake on a Saturday morning at 5:45.  I thought that perhaps my academic side was looking out for my best interest so I could get a start on my paper (due Sunday at midnight), but I soon realized, after a few cups of coffee, and some prep work,  that this morning was not that time, so in honor of a wish I have throughout the week, I went back to “bed” (in theory”) and shut my eyes for a bit.  I didn’t have a great feeling about accomplishing much on this day <self-fulfilled prophecy, part1>.

Back up around 10, I sprang to action and got immediately back to checking all the ridiculous stuff that doesn’t need checking and is, in reality,  simply a distraction. I remember when I was after a different degree a few years ago and I'd head to Lotus Park by the river, where there is no reception.   I had an appointment with Nicole at noon fifteen to make my hair socially acceptable again, so off I went.  This is the one “girly” thing I think I do <well, that I can talk about>…I’m not into anything else like manis and pedis since I quickly destroy anything that was done with yardwork or whatever.    It was terrific catching up with her and getting my hair washed.  That is the most sensual, luxurious thing I experience nowadays.  Maybe I should get twice month hair washings <smile>. 

Feeling absolutely fabulous, I decided to treat myself to a hippie sandwich from Cozmic Café.  Those are delicious.  I also walked back into the gold mine for a little action.  The humid smell takes me back to Europe.  I did get to see a woman come in with long, pitch black hair, pierced dimples (and other facial areas), fake eyelashes, fake tan and the biggest boobs I have seen since the days when I knew a retired porn star. I didn’t feel so bad since my boobs were a little larger today (or maybe my bra was smaller??) and I had some “spilleth-over” action happening myself, which I didn’t even have to pay for. I am liking my body quite a bit lately, as the nudity factor has increased a great deal.  

Back home where I TRIED to get going again…but it wasn’t happening.  After I finished another cup of coffee (around 3?), I took another 2 hour nap.  <self-fulfilled prophecy, part 2> I suck.  I woke up to see the Giants were ahead by two, which was nice.  A man running for city council, whom I’ve spoken to on several occasions, dropped by and we chatted a bit.  Then I was serious about getting back to my paper, which again didn’t happen.    My goal was to power through and finish the whole paper by the end of the game.  As the final score came to pass (3-0, Giants), I had barely started paragraph three. We are Giant, but I am pathetic.

So…I get to spend the day tomorrow getting this done.  I wish the day had been a bit more exciting. 
I DID decide that if I ever have a date, I am going to have Nicole color my hair before, since I’ve looked pretty damn terrific all day long sitting here in this bed naked, alone.  And to those of you thinking, my gawd, she certainly talks about her nudity/boobs/whatever a great deal, lets please remember that I have little else to focus on. <let's get to paragraph four before midnight>

Pictures: Gettin' ma hur did; Outside of Cozmic Cafe, Empress, Bella Capelli; inside teh gold mine at Cozmic Cafe.

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