Well, hell.
It’s 5:13
and that damn alarm went off.
I hit the
timer, but felt so guilty after last week’s romp-around that I lay there 6
minutes before I got up.
Whyyyyyy are they likkkeeee this???
I feel as if they have inflated and am not happy about this nonsense at
I did my yoga…counting every second
of it, and though I knew it was a good thing, my body and spirit yearned for
that bed so much.
I don’t think I’m
sleeping enough, but if I go to bed earlier, my body wakes up after 6 hours.
Good morning with my little ducklings.
I wrote Ethan a card last night, letting him
know that IF he is giving it his best effort, I don’t care if he gets Ds, but he
needs to be putting in 100%.
I handed it
to him this morning, bit he didn’t open it in front of me.
My relationship with my kids is so incredible
wonderful, yet so different on varying levels.
Maggie, though she is my happy-go-lucky one, also has a deep
understanding about things
with Ethan and
knows what to do without my saying a word.
I appreciate that
Then there is my
I feel his frustration, his external
lack of caring (because it makes it easier), but inside, he is hurting and the
rough part is, how do you teach a kid that HE has the power if he just puts in
some effort?
<it’s a tough job, and I
can’t do it>

The great thing was the fog and the seeming rainbow of fog
colors, yet sadly, it disappeared around 9 and there ya go.
Left in the dust by no cloud-cover again.
<lame ass blue sky>.
I thought
about retiring this morning, effective immediately, but Universe came through
for me:
a) it was a minimum day, b) the
ICT lesson was on Power Point presentations (I have one due Thursday and wanted
some ideas) and I forgot the 3
rd one, but it was there. Cross-my-heart promise.
I have noticed that kids think it odd when you are sitting
there, unconscious of your actions as you’re trying to pluck that one chin hair.
Got home and prepared to get busy on my presentation. I have a much stronger understanding now of
ISIS and their history. It is actually a
fascinating history they have, but then, must cultures have that. That’s what makes them cultural
<smile>. I am going to bring
incense, Middle Eastern music, and of course, m Very excited. I just wish I had some belly dancer clothes or, better yet, an actually Burka. Maybe just a huge black table cloth.... <mind is at work> It is ALL about the presentation
y burka-covered vagina
Tired. Long day. I am done, but before I sign off, thank you
Charles Renfrew, for your kind offer. Meant the world to me. <3 I still think he is an asshole, though...
Pictures: My swim goggles. Mannn, I wanna get in that water and do some laps; My radio station of choice. #SRF1
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