Tuesday, October 21, 2014

October 21, 2014

I couldn’t do it…I had to sleep more, so imagine my surprise when I woke up thinking I’d be late and it was only 5:24.  I slept (sorta…I awoke every 9 minutes or so on my own) until 6:04 and what a  difference it made.  Then I read about sleeping naked, and was ready to shut out the lights again. <grin>  I think my December present to Self this year will be some 1,000+ thread-count Egyptian cotton sheets...

I cannot ever, never ever NEVER eat salad on a date.  So help me god, rather than botox or whatever that wrinkle –filler is, I want gum plump-ners.  Ser’usly.      <I’m green, indeed>

      I intended to quickly get my broken head light replaced – I already had the new light bulb with me, so I figured, why not Wal-Mart??  It’s on the way….    Well.  I now have 2 lights, the 411 that my driver’s light has a hole in it (and they don’t know how to replace it), a lot of info on souping up my 66 Nova or shooting my  S&W revolver and an hour gone.  On the flip side, I ran into someone in my department who is battling breast cancer.  I spoke with her for quite a while (as my light was being replaced) and, while I initially felt intrusive for asking the questions I ask (always more than "how do you feel") I think she was glad to have someone who approached the uncomfortable topic. She amazed me: ran 6 miles yesterday as I struggled through yoga. <eyeroll at self>

Headed home, and…game on..shoes off, bra off, started cooking a little Indian (Dal Makhani) dinner and the game commenced.  It was an amazing first inning and the Royals really didn’t put up much of a fight, so I got my power point presi mostly finished.  Just need a little info on the current ISIS leader, which I can do tomorrow even as the vaginas rest. <haha- a grand psychological "sock-it-to-ya!!" to those guys.  Maybe I should bake them naked for the extra POW!!??>

Looking forward to tomorrow night’s baking adventures with Maggie.  <therefore I shall NOT be baking sans clothing> I may go ahead and skip  Practicum since The Doctor won’t let me have the phone out to watch game (He’s a maniac fan as well and goes to spring training). I just watched some highlights..and WISH I had a tv.  As much as I love listening…those plays.  Wow.  Great job, boys.  Do it again, tomorrow. 

 **Was excused from The Doctor for class.  Yes!  Go, Giants!!!

Pictures:  Guess where I hid Inuit Dude?; So much education at the Wal-Mart; Lucky shirt, earrings, etc.

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