Wednesday, October 8, 2014

October 8, 2014

THIS morning, I was ready.  Naturally the lighter for my incense was missing…(Ethan), the flint for  my Zippo was stuck (Ethan), and I noticed my collection of hundreds  of La Bodega matchbooks/sticks are dwindling (Ethan).  That boy better watch it (on a side note, he never lights anything unless I’m with him and the hose is turned on…AND it’s just a noise effect).  Yoga was great, my body was very  happy.  Upon the completion of the practice, I just stood there for a bit and was grateful.  Namasté, Bitches.  I managed to light a dish towel on fire as I was making Ethan soft boiled eggs for breakfast (Maggie is a dad’s).  We both calmly watched the smoldering towel, then I picked it up and extinguished the flames.  Another day in my house.  <love my life>

In honor of the Giants winning the NLDS, and because I was feeling sassy, I wore my lace skirt with my cowboy boots and the necessary Giants garb to rub it into the face of anyone I might see who was a Dodger’s fan.  The only issue with this sexy little skirt is that we had an impromptu group session today, so I was required to do yoga moves and various stretching in front of the kids.  I did well, however, and am grateful I decided to wear a bit of “extra” clothing “down there.”   What I LOVED was a mess of other teachers, either wearing Giants gear or orange and black.  I love the bonds  sports creates.  On my way home from work, I noticed smoke plumes again and it looked really close to my house (“Did I remember to shut off the stove?”  This was really a thought that went through my head). I quickly learned it was near Applegate – plenty of distance from my town, but I’ve also spent the last couple of weeks watching a fire destroy close to 100,000 acres and the wind was strong today.  I know what a fire can do.
I was working on the homework I had missed Sunday when I heard ear-piercing barking from a place other than my backyard.  Dammit.  Dogs escaped.  Sure enough, the front door was wide open.  Mabi came back instantly, and fortunately Annie was in front of Brent’s house.  This is good.  So in they came and I allowed them in the bedroom as I typed away..but within minutes, I had to loudly say “STOP LICKING YOUR VAGINA!”   I do this frequently, because it drives me nuts.  I always forget, however, that my window is wide open.  I don’t even want to consider the number of people who have heard me yell this.

Off to school for Practicum.  I got in trouble <sulk> for texting.  I hate that.  In all fairness, I was texting ___ who was sitting across the room and it did have to do with class.  Sort of…  kinda…  Upon leaving, I saw a big beautiful moon hanging gently  in the sky which meant it was time to listen to Stevie Ray Vaughan “Voodoo Child (Slight Return)”  Then I made the distinct mistake of listening to “Tin Pan Alley” and oh my sweet lawd, I got so worked up.  My heart was palpitating as if I’d just finished a 10k.  <sigh>  I am so … on the other side of the fence now.  I few years ago I couldn’t handle being alone..and now, I wonder if it’ll be any other way.  I enjoy solitude (unless I’m listening to “Tin Pan Alley”).  I’m just not willing to be with “anybody” now, and I think I like that (unless I’m listening to “Tin Pan Alley”).

Once I was at home, I realized why I tend to eat worse when the kids are here:  It’s because I have clothes on and I can’t “see” what I’m trying to improve.  I realized this as I was in my kitchen , naked of course, chopping up vegetables for my salad.  I think I’ll do better in the winter, when it gets darker earlier and I won’t have the front door wide open.   
There were a few close calls there.

Pictures: I didn't take any pictures today, so here are a few of our Texas/NM road trip adventures:  An abandoned bus we found in a deserted town called Lula, Texas; A rain storm on the way to Carlsbad Caverns, NM; Ummm....Yeah.  A "stalagmite" in Carlsbad Caverns... ("Tin Pan Alley") <wicked grin>

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