Woke up this morning with not enough ZZZs under my belt,
despite skipping yoga again this morning.
Some nasty habits are starting to sneak in again <more details on one
later> (NOOOO!!! Not that nasty habit) I managed to get dressed and started music off this morning with Ms. IGGY
(too much language, even for me), eventually ending up with WSMFP. That felt good. I got to school and noticed I looked like David
Spade/Joe Dirt’s wife. Seriously – the hair
looked like a feminine mullet. I struggled
all day to keep my eyes open. The
game was definitely worth it, though.
Tony Bennett!!!
I had a few minutes for a quick power –L.D.W.M.E.C.
(lying-down-with-my-eyes-closed), since I can’t nap that quickly. My thought pattern included: the seasons.
It was 100 in my car today, yet it is Fall. I thought about the seasons and their timing
for another 10 minutes until I started falllllliiinnggggg…, and then Mabi
barked and woke me up (of course). The boy and I for dinner tonight – we cleared
up the rest of the dumplings and had a great salad, then he forced me to make a
pizooki. I love that kid, but clothes
are getting snug again. The volume is
back on yoga (L talked me through it), so 5:13 is on again for tomorrow morning.
Received a phone call today regarding the potential practicum
site and the stipend. Unfortunately the
deadline is tomorrow and it requires an essay.
My head has been pounding all day (Giant hangover) and I cannot create
an essay with would be worthy, so I will not be getting the stipend. Does this lengthen my degree? Quite possibly, who knows. It’s a little tricky because of
classes/homework/work, being a single mom.
My kids need me as much as they ever did (just differently) and I’m not
willing to sacrifice that. Once I
complete classes (May), then perhaps I can focus solely on my hours. It is tough, though…I getting about a quarter
of what the divorce papers say I should get for child support and alimony never
really made it after the first year, so I
must work. I’m happy to support
myself and my kids, though it is difficult at times, we have an amazing life. I remember when someone told me I could NEVER
make it on my own. SO.DAMN. GRATEFUL.
Pictures: Checked my tomatoes..they are about done, as is my basil. Time to start winter plants; WITHOUT fail, I step in it EVERY time, even if there are no dogs in the vicinity;I need to be careful with my forks and the silverware drawer, though I realized I should take my silver (fork on right) out.
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