Sunday, November 16, 2014

November 16, 2014

The last day had been absolutely perfect for me and I dreaded getting up and facing the a “back to reality" day.  Still, every stone grinder must get back to the grindstone, so I finished my write-ups for groups (the last two weeks) and then jumped nicely into homework.  I pumped out a lot before I joined up on Facebook for my morning sustenance.

I was thrilled to hear from a long-lost friend from Switzerland.  As always, I dig for feed-back and info on moving there.  His words of "you only get one shot" (or was it “life is short”??) rang true and as much as I’m planning for the next life, I need to accomplish what I can during this one. 

The day involved taking Mags to her friend’s 11th birthday party and Ethan and I working on his studies.  I had the brilliant idea of using the table I bought at the antique fair as a Study-Centre (please note the British spelling) for the kids.  The drawers include pencils, erasers, tape, paper clips, binder clips, etc.  If they need more room, they pull the leaf out.  I moved fiction books and set educational books nearby (well, my educational books from my K-12 and Montessori studies).  I’m thrilled.  Slowly,  after 3 + years, the house is coming together.  Tricia, Jim...I'll make it out by year 14.  The boy and I had fun bonding this morning – he showed me something that I cannot post (yes, I took a pic, much to his giggling delight, but I swore I wouldn’t show anyone), but he is getting underarm hair (!!!).    I promised him the other “area” was all for him to know.  My boy is a mini-man. 

It was time to pick up Maggie.  We all headed down to “Lazertag” and when I inquired as to the whereabouts of my child,  they told me they’d all left over an hour ago.  <gasp>  This is somewhat ironic as Ethan and I had been working on an outline for his persuasive essay.  His topic: the importance of having a cell phone so you could contact friends and family if necessary (hint, hint mom).  My cell phone was thirty minutes that way <points towards home, where I left it>, so I couldn’t call to find where they were.   Fortunately,  super sweet dude employed there knew they were heading to Roundtable Pizza (in Towne Center, of course <eyeroll>), so there we went, had pizza, and delicious Nugget cheesecake and some kind of roll cake.  

Headed home, where we went outside by the fire under those stars in the brisk air.  Tonight has been the coldest night yet – low to mid 40s.   I made them hot chocolate as I sipped my chai tea.  We talked about life, moving, stuff.  I love those kids and try to raise them right.  I know I’m far from perfect.  I cuss in the car, I know that what I portray is seen by them and assessed.  I wish I was calmer, more gracious to those idiots on the road (see????)…<writing interruption as Ethan found 2 ticks on Mabi from yesterday’s river excursion, so I had to try to pull out the little bastards.  I tried with a tick spoon – that is about the most worthless piece of plastic ever, so I pulled out my trusty “eyebrow shaping”  tool – now I’ll have to get another pair.  Two heads stuck in, but we tried.> Suddenly realized I hadn't written a paper, so threw another one together, this one on the WAIS-IV.  I'm done, done, done....  Tired.   Yet, with  that, I realized how I’ve matured in yet another fashion: When it comes down to the wire, I do what needs to be did AND I wasn’t so disgusted by the ticks that I will lose sleep.  It’s just another creature.  Life is starting to lose its extremism.  I feel almost wise.

Picture: A beautiful cloud trying to enjoy some peace from that pesky sun; The Study-Centre!!; 3 feet by the fire.  Oh, and a Queensland.  Good days....

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