Thursday, December 11, 2014

December 11, 2014

I was so excited about the storm last night - I finished all the laundry and cleaned a load of dishes, in case electricity went out and we needed something that was dirty (I think ahead).  I woke up several times in the night - heard no howling unearthly storm sounds...  I finally woke up "fer reals", a few minutes before the alarm and sadly, no call from our principal saying school was cancelled, so my day began, but with the possibility of excitement on campus, I was raring to go.  The funny thing is, the kids both got up - no alarm - on their own, thinking it was much later than it actually was.  When they learned what it wasn't even 8 o'clock yet, they both "oohhhh'd" and went back to bed.

School was...dark.  I STILL don't know where my school keys are and spent a lot of time trying to locate them.  The boutique was put on hold for a day, "due to the storm", but it never really got that bad.  It seems whenever there is the media focus of a "storm of the century". it is never as bed as expected, yet I LOVE this rain we are getting.  It was an enchanting moment in my life when I became the official "Fairy Godmother" to a student who is an absolute sweetheart.  Love this kid and tonight,  the kids and i gathered some of  my Mala beads that I don't wear to bring to him.  Something that kills me emotionally at work is that, in truth, I am of no use there.  It is not where I belong and it makes it SO much more difficult when I have been trained (as a teacher and a therapist) to be a certain way and because of what I do there, I cannot.  It also kills me intellectually when I hear  another piece of misinformation being taught by this person (who puts in much less effort than the other person in our classroom, yet is paid 2-3 times as much).  Yet...because of location (it is close) and time (I can get practicum, hours), I stay...dreading minutes in that room and feeling  On top of that...I am feeling a bit...Vergill  (New word!!!  Means on the verge of being ill!).

Home in the rain, with mini river everywhere....The wipers were absolutely fantastic, the rain was obliging (Storm of the Century!), and the wind...was pathetic.  There was none, which is fantastic, as I hate wind (thank you, West Texas), but dammit...there goes all my adrenaline.  I had no falling trees to dodge, no children to save from crumbling buildings.  It was just a regular old storm.  Got to my kids and was happy...  I could change into sweats, sip hot tea and Just.Be.

Another mini battle with Boy over homework.  This.Wears.Me.Out, yet I also know it is a phase.  It may be a LOOONNNGG phase, but i know he will be ok.  I have had numerous talks with men who had similar experiences in school, and I also understand how schools aren't conducive to most  boys and their way of thinking/producing their best work.  I had the history lesson read us the information as we sat and ate dinner...that was absolutely fantastic.  We pushed through and got a lot accomplished, I think.  More for this weekend, but hey...homework seems to be my hobby 

 The rain pours down...another day awaits.  I found my keys in my Marmot jacket just now, so at least I have those. This weekend involves a little more homework for my classes (not much, it is winding down) and making something for teachers and people at work.  That outta be fun.  A SundayFunday of baking.  A little flair in my life.

Pictures: Video of the rain; Maggie listening to some records tonight (finally) in her room; Ethan dismantled my printer after he installed my new one. Maggie "practiced" on my guitar today - she said she learned a chord, but forgot which one.  Hee-hee...can't wait til Christmas. ;)

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