I’m waiting at school to pick up Maggie and Ethan and got a phone
call that school has already been canceled
for the kids tomorrow
because of the storm – first time in the history of the school…but there's no
sign of it. Schools in SF are closing…I
wonder how bad it will really be.

Grabbed the kids and in preparation for the storm, we head a down to Forklift, the newest grocery store… which used to be a perfectly good Food 4 Less. Now this thing is like a mini- El Dorado Hills with ridiculous overpriced stuff. Some things are ok but know we have all these people with Gucci bags and Range Rovers and this used to be a place with grannies and Hispanic families. I hate these types of stores. It would seem I have issue with wealth, which is another reason why I’ll never be rich. The good thing was is, I saw I was not the only person getting things in ready. There were quite a few people getting water and the water shelves were near- empty. I feel very proud in that we were almost like Florida in the midst of an oncoming the hurricane. I also did see the couple of guys grabbing a whole bunch of beer, because you know, have to be prepared. After that we headed to O'Reillys so I could get new wipers for my car. I got snow wipers on the advice of one of my classmates at grad school and I was very pleased.
Ethan in the car the whole time Mags and I were in the store as well as the auto parts store, and when we got home he went into his room and sat. He must be having like a hormone fluctuations day because today he is a little unpleased (new word!!)with Life. I made the rest of the crab and the lobster for dinner… I'm proud to say I have not forgotten to serve a whole lobster. Maggie and I enjoyed dinner while we watched “How I Met Your Mother,” which is not very appropriate show for an 11 year old, but a lot of the jokes go over her head. I remember watching certain shows when I was a kid, then watching them later and I didn't get any of the sexual innuendo. WE forget we perceive these shows with adult minds…kids’ minds don’t work like ours yet. Having an open relationship and discussion with her is what is important.
Talked to both kids about what to do if the power went out tomorrow
or whatever while I’m at work. They know
what to do as the they’re pretty smart
kids. I'm off to bed to watch a little “Delirious”. I'm exhausted as these last couple of days of
been really difficult at school for some reason.
Pictures: The beautiful sunrise which is so muted by photograph.... The sky was multicolored; A scene of my drive to work - often you can see the snow covered Sierras, but today, clouds blocked them.
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